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John B, JJ, and I get the boat back into the marsh. We pile in ready to pick up the others for the day.

"It's kind of a smuggler's boat," John B says.

I wave as we pass a man on his boat. "Good mornin'!"

"Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink," JJ says. "He doesn't have insurance."

John B nods. "Yeah." He waves to a woman and her husband on the dock. "Hi, Miss Amy! You guys get through it?"

Miss Amy smiles. "Still here."

"She totally looked at me," JJ states.

"I saw it," John B states.

I give JJ a look. "In your dreams."

JJ wraps his arm around me. "She's not the only one in my dreams."

John B makes a face. "Gross JJ."

The boat pulls around the dock and I can see the destruction Agatha caused. Boats are overturned and in all kinds of wrong places. The docks are partially destroyed.

"Dude, look at this place," I state.

"Agatha, what did you do?" JJ questions.

"She is a crazy lady," John B remarks.

"Hard-core, dude. Hurricane surge," JJ states.

John B nods. "Yeah."

"We'll be cleaning this all summer," I offer.

"That is my nightmare," John B states.

I smile as we drift in front of Pope on the dock out front of his father's place.

"Well, look who we have here," I say.

JJ whoops mimicking a siren.

John B mimics speaking into a radio. "We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory." He mimics static.

"I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown," Pope tells us.

"Come on, man." JJ mimics static. "Your dad's a pussy. Over."

His dad walks towards us. "Oh, I heard that, you little bastard."

"We need your son," I tell him.

"Yeah, and island rules. Day after a hurricane's a free day," JJ argues.

Heyward gives him a look. "Who made that up?"

"Uh... Pentagon, I think. We have security clearance. I have a card," JJ says.

"Think I'm stupid?" Heyward questions.

"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow," Pope tells his dad.

"You think. No, no. Hell no. You doin' it right now," Heyward tells him.

"Get in the boat," John B whispers.

"Make a run for it," JJ whispers.

"Come on, Pope," I whisper.

"Boy, if you get in that boat," Heyward starts.

Pope hops into the boat ignoring his dad's warnings.

"How does that feel?" JJ asks.

"Go, go, go," Pope tells John B.

"Bring your ass back up here," Heyward demands.

"I promise I'll do it tomorrow, Dad," Pope assures.

"Whoo!" JJ shouts while swinging a rope.

Storm Chaser // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now