004 - ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ

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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。I woke up in a little house, in a smaller bed

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
I woke up in a little house, in a smaller bed. I looked around the messy room where someone had clearly rampaged and taken things and left others. I then made eye contact with a boy in front of me.

He had brown hair, brown eyes and a prominent jawline. He looked like me and was about the same age.

"Diana, do you hear that?" The boy asked

"Hear what?" I asked only then was the door of our little room busted open with multiple men in all-black suits that read WCKD. They grabbed the boy roughly and threw him to a man behind who handcuffed him.

My protective instincts over this boy kicked it "Let go of him! Let him go!" I screamed before a hand covered my mouth. I shot up from my bed and was back in my little hut.

I ripped the hand from my mouth and was breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked

"Brother, he was my brother, where is he? where is my brother?" I panicked and stood up and began to look around my hut frantically.

"Brother? you have a brother? you remember?" The voice asked I opened the door of my hut and the voice followed while I searched "Woah Diana, your brother isn't here,"

It then occurred to me that it was Newt, he now had his hands on my shoulder holding me still and slowly my panic drew to a close.

"Newt..." I breathed

"I'm here," He answered "You were whispering WCKD in your sleep, you know?" He smiled

"They took my brother, Newt," I looked up at him and found a sense of comfort in his eyes.

"Diana you need to calm down,"

"Why was your hand over my mouth?"

"You kept talking, you were gonna wake people up,"

"Oh," I whispered

"Come on, its too early, you need to sleep,"

"But my brother..."

"Think about him in the morning. Sleep," He lead me back into my hut and I laid in the bed and shut my eyes trying to go back to whatever flashback I was having before to re-meet my brother.

I woke up before Newt and seized my chance to study his features. His blonde hair swooped in almost every direction he was like a messed-up compass. His eyebrows were surprisingly shaped and his eyelashes were unlawfully long making his brown eyes, which were shut currently, even more prominent.

His lips were a light pink that matches the constant shade of his cheeks, I allowed my gaze to trail down finding his collarbones, he was a small boy and his collarbones stuck out dimensionally. I noticed his heavy breathing, his chest going up and down rapidly causing his shirt to pull at every breath in.

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