33 - ʙᴇᴛʀᴀʏᴀʟ

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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。The guard continued down the line of people

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
The guard continued down the line of people. I didn't know where Thomas was and I was freaking the fuck out. But I soon found out I wasn't the only one...

"Where's Thomas?" Janson announced

"Right here," Thomas solemn voice echoed

"Thomas!" His name fell from my mouth but it was stopped by a gun pointed closely towards my head. The guards began to seize Thomas grabbing his body roughly and pushing and kicking his aside. When I can I promise to kill every single one of these motherfuckers.

They pushed him towards Janson who looked at Thomas and spoke as if they were life long friends "Thomas," Janson began before he launched a fist into Thomas stomach. Thomas's body flipped forward against the pain as he dropped to the floor

"The fuck do you think you're doing?"  I stood up harshly, running towards Thomas' side

"Get back in line," Janson ordered

"Or what?" I whispered standing up from Thomas side yet he stayed on the floor.

"Shoot her," he ordered the guards around me loaded their guns. I heard shot a shot fire behind me, I wasn't going to die, I couldn't die not when I have Thomas to live for.

"Shoot her and you'd have to shoot the rest of us,"  Gorge threatened from the line

"We're not doing anything without Diana," Archer added. Hell yeah.

"Just... get her back in line," Janson gave in. He knew, if he killed me it would only cause an uprising meaning more killing meaning less immune for them to harvest. He wasn't going to risk that.

"Thomas," I called him but I didn't take my eyes of Janson

"Diana, you've been..." he trailed as he stood up pointing to a deep wound in my thigh.

"Fuck," I whispered "I'm fine, just come and get in line," I pulled him aside and sat him next to me. I placed my knees on the floor straining my thigh, causing more blood to gush from it. I winced and held my breath drawing my eyes away as I ripped some of my shirt and placed it over the wound.

If I leave it much longer, I'll either die of loss of blood or infection. I thought. I haven't got forever. I watched as Janson walked off towards a guard whispering something. I didn't have forever, I repeated to myself.

"Diana," Newt whispered from beside me

"Hm?" I turned to his soft face. He, as secretively as possible pushed a bandage to me. I thought for a second "Where'd you get that?" I mumbled

"My ankle," he replied "Your leg," he pointed. I stole a glance at it. It was bad, it was bright red, deep enough to see most of my bone. Whatever they shot me with was far more that a typical gun.

The adrenaline was beginning to wear away leaving me with the throbbing pain of the wound.

"You need it," I whispered

"You need it more. If you die Diana, I will never forgive myself," he explained. I reluctantly took the bandage and very slowly as to not cause any attention from the guard wrapped it tightly around the cut.

The pressure of the bandage at first set shorting agony through my body, but as it built up around my leg the pain began to wear but the blood began to gush.

"Why didn't you run?" Minho asked Thomas drawing my attention away from the wound. Thomas was quiet for a moment as if studying how he was to answer.

"I'm tired of running," he replied slowly. Suddenly, the sound of propellers filled the air and a circle flash of light went through the crowd of immunes. We all looked up following it's trail as it hovered lower and lower. It was a large, airplane type creation. All black and with large lights on the bottom.

This was it, I thought as it landed on the ground the doors opening. I'm going back to the maze, back to WICKED, I never escaped, I was never free I was just running.

Guards in all black began to step out in unison until they revealed a juxtaposing woman in all white. It was her, the woman I watched shoot her brains out was walking here today. How the fuck...

She walked out assertively, heading towards Janson. She spoke with a serious, monotonous tone

"This all of them?" She asked

"Most of them," Janson replied quickly as if he was scared. He watched her expression "It'll be enough," he's scared of her, scared of her power, scared of her dominance. Now that I knew what he was scared of, this could help me out. Maybe not now, but maybe in a future, if I even have one I wondered looking down at my covered up wound. The pain still throbbing but over come with fear of WICKED.

"Start loading them in," she finished walking away

"Yes ma'am," he nodded "Okay you heard. Let's go!" He addressed the rest of us, copying how to she spoke and asserted herself. "Get 'em on!"

The guards began at the other end of the line, pulling people up by the collar and pushing them to the next guard. People attempted to shake free from their grasp but they were too strong.

The woman stood in front of us, two guards either side. I looked over at Newt, he started at them all with a look I've never seen before. I looked I never want to see again.

He eyes were cold and his face pale. Full of hatred, full of loath towards these people. There's wasn't an ounce of familiar warmth behind his eyes that I was used to.

"I'm glad you're safe," I heard the woman, I spun my beard around to see her with another dark haired girl.

。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈

Hello everyone, sorry about slow updated I've been very busy. I apologies, some chartered are better than others in aware. I am trying to update at least once every 4 days but we never know.

I am working on another story about Newt and I have no clue when that will be coming out but it should be on its way...

I would also like to say thank you for 250+ reads. It means a lot as I spend so many hours writing this to see people actually reading it.

Lots of love


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