46 - ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴇ

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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。We followed Thomas lead into the same concrete grey tunnel, ducking through it fast and continued running

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
We followed Thomas lead into the same concrete grey tunnel, ducking through it fast and continued running. The explosions containing. An explosions shook the floor directly behind me, I clung to the wall for a second to make sure I didn't fall over.

Giving my body a second to catch its breath. "Diana!" Newt yelled coming towards me.

"I'm fine!" I replied as I picked up my pace. We had come to an open concrete cleaning that resembled a parking lot from my memory, it it was empty. I looked behind me, checking for any explosions or something to run from.

I glanced back forward, face planting into a cold hard chest. Before I plummeted backwards a firm grasped was wrapped around me and I was chucked into a van...

The van door slid shut a man in grey and black sat in front of me. Frypan to the side of me... Newt. "Newt!" I shouted standing up against the van door.

I felt a hand go to pulled me back down before I wrapped my hand around the wrist, twisting it backwards. "Where the fuck is he?" I asked, twisting his hand further back.

He launched his boot into my chest, causing me to trickle backwards to the seat. I dug into my cargo pocket pulling out my dagger that I used for almost every situation. I jumped forward my dagger inches away from the man's heart before another hit my face.

I slumped into the corner, they had hit my scar. It throbbed and ached, the world around me spinning. I shook my head no before jumping back up. I leaped forward again, the man now fell backwards at my unexpected attack.

Instead of falling against the back of the van he plummeted to the sandy ground revealing the back was opened. I didn't hesitant to bury my fists into either side of his cheeks. "Where the fuck is he?" I asked punctuating my sentence with deep furrow punches.

"I'm here!" I heard a voice "I'm right here, D!" He yelled. I stood up quickly, bewildered by the moment as I looked down at the man and then Newt.

"Newt," I breathed as I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"I'm right here," he sighed pulling me towards him "How's your head? Are you okay? You can't do that you know? Not in your state-"

"Yes, yes, I know," I said as I pulled away from him glancing round at the men that now surrounded us. Then noticing the group was back in one.

"Everybody relax! We're all on the same side here." The man spoke. His voice muffled by the mask.

"What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?" I asked stepping forward. The man and his... group stared at us for a long second before pulling the mask of his face revealing the one face I didn't think I'd ever see again.

"Hey, Greenie," he said to Thomas,

"Gally?" He asked in disbelief

"No way," Frypan whispered. Thomas jolted forward punching Gally square in the face.

"He had that coming for a long time," I told Newt, as Gally dropped to the ground. I thought that was it until Thomas leaped on top of Gally going to punch again.

The men around readied their arm on Thomas "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Newt ran forward going to Thomas sides. "Stop! Stop it! Stop!" He pleaded.

"He killed Chuck," Thomas said shakily.

"Yeah, I know. I remember, I was there too, all right? But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind. Just calm down. All right? Come on," Thomas jumped away still full of anger but had listened to Newt.

Newt walked back to my side, I stuck my palm out to him as he placed his against mine. "Well done, barley ever get Thomas to calm down," I complimented.

"I try," he shrugged.

"Kind of had that coming," Gally said after he stood up, straightening his jaw out. Then it struck me, how is he alive? I watched a pole bury into his heart. It was fatal, how the hell is he here?

Is this another hallucination? I bloody hope not. "Anybody else? Fry? Newt?" He asked looking between us locking eyes with me and Newt for a long second.

"Well I mean if it's on offer-" I went to step forward before Newt pushed me back giving me a disappointed look.

"Do you know this guy?" Jorge asked cautiously.

"He was an old friend," I replied.

"How?" Newt breathed "H- how is this possible?" He stammered looking at Gally slowly. "I don't- we watched you die,"

"No, you left me to die," Gally corrected "And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now," he said gesturing to the hundreds of men in grey and black wear behind him. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked us.

"Minho," Newt replied.

"And Archer," I added. "WICKED had them here. We're looking for a way in,"

"I can help with that. Follow me," he began as he went to walk off before Thomas spoke.

"I'm not going anywhere with you,"

"Suit yourself, but I can get you through those walls," he offered, I glanced up at Newt and then Thomas. "Nice to see you two finally got together," he said motioned to me and Newt. I took a deep breath.

Weighing my options. "Oh and, whatever's happened to Diana's head, we can help with," he offered. My head would leave to my death eventually, it hit a vital place. Messes with my vision and I lost and continue to loose blood from it. A chance of help wouldn't hurt...
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