032 - ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰʀᴇᴇ

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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。Frypan, Minho, Newt, Archer and Me where sat across a some rocks as Thomas came to join

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
Frypan, Minho, Newt, Archer and Me where sat across a some rocks as Thomas came to join. Me and Newt sat beside each other, my hand was on top of his but not noticeable so the others didn't know.

"Wish Alby could've seen all this," Newt spoke

"And Winston," Frypan added

"And Chuck," Thomas whispered. I could tell he was still hurting... we all were. We hadn't been given time to heal.. or recover

"He's be proud of you, you know, Tom," I told him

"Yeah," Thomas nodded

"Hey Aris!" Frypan yelled down to Aris who was sat with Harriet and Sonya.

"Hey guys!" He waved from far away.

"I kinda like that kid," Frypan smiled

"Yeah. Still don't trust him, though," Minho added. Newt blew into his hands as the day got colder and colder

"Hey? Where's Teresa?" Thomas asked

"She went up there," I replied as a pointing towards a little mountain where she stood. Thomas disappeared and headed towards her. "He loves that girl,"

"It's a shame, don't think she loves him," Frypan added

"She does," I assured "She just doesn't know it yet,"

"Are you two friends again?" Archer asked pointing to me and Newt. Newt raised his eyes brows at Archer with a plain expression "Right," he nodded to himself.

"I can't believe we're... safe," I breathed

"Me either, I'm still not 100% sure," Minho answered

"Well we're safe as long as we're together," Newt spoke to the group

"Isn't it weird... we would've spent our whole lives together yet we can only remember a few months together,"

"Bet you two dated back in the labs," Frypan smiled

"Exactly, we wouldn't of even known," I continued

"Hey, what's that?" Newt pointed into the distance. There were two bright lights coming towards us. The sound of propellers echoing through the air a long with fear.

"What the hell is that?" I asked standing up stepping. Forward for a better look

"No!" Thomas yelled out from below us. I could feel my heart everywhere not just my chest as fear struck me. They were helicopters. Large black helicopters

"No," I whispered stepping back as my legs began to shake

"Diana! What is it?" Newt leapt forward along with the others

"It's..." I couldn't even say it. I could barley move as the helicopters came closer and closer

"It's WICKED!" Archer realised taking steps away.

"Diana come on!" Newt grabbed my arm and dragged me a long with the group as I caught up. Suddenly our shadows light up on the ground as an explosion behind it crazed the air. The screams of people filled the air as move crashes and smoke rose.

I was breathing heavily as I kept up with the group as we ran down the mountain. We watched people come out of the helicopters in all black with large guns.

The sound of electrical shots pierced the air causing us to only run faster.  We ran down into the battle field.

"You know how to use this thing!" Vince shouted to me holding a bow and arrow

"Yeah!" I answered as I grabbed it. I pulled the arrow against the string quickly and realised it watching it bury itself into the skin on a solider. They fell to the ground. Newt grabbed a sniper and stood behind me.

I protected the front of us, Newt did the back. To one side of us was the truck where Vince was the other side Minho arrived. I could hear Newts gun behind shooting. I saw a man in front of me.

"You got this Diana?" Minho asked

"Hell yeah," I whispered as the arrow whipped through the air and the man's body fell limp to the floor "Bastard," I mumbled as I scammed for any other movement.

"I'm out!" Archer shouted from the other side of the truck. Suddenly, a small cuboid like thing was thrown into the air and landed into the truck.

"What is that?" I asked before my body was overcome with an electrical pulse. It ran through my blood and my veins causing my body to limp to the floor.

I couldn't move my arms, barley move my legs and barley open my eyes. I couldn't do anything but let the WICKED men come closer.  It struck through me.

Where the hell was Thomas? I went to call for him before I realised I can't move my mouth. Thomas. Thomas! I internally yelled Newt! I realised. Fuck fuck fuck. I don't know where anyone is.

A man pulled up my body and wrapped my wrists into a knock behind my back. We were lined up on our knees. Hundreds of us. Me and the group in front. Thank god I realised as I turned to my side

Newt was next to me and Minho the other side. Minhos gaze was hard, annoyed and angry whereas Newts was more focused on something.

A solider grabbed Minho by the back on the collar and although Minho protested a green light was shone onto his neck as if scanning

"A-4," he answered the soldiers around him. He then got to me. I shook my head crazily.

"Don't touch me!" I protested as his grip slipped from my collar. A guard infront a fun clicked and I realised the bullet was facing me. Gave in.

"A-7," he then went to Newt, grasping his neck. Newt looked at me not bothering to fight to guard. His eyes looked hurt and full of pain.

"Newt," I whispered

"It's gonna be okay," he replied

"A-6," the guard continued
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