013 - ᴡᴀʀᴍ sʜᴏᴡᴇʀs

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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。My eyes fluttered open, the pain in my neck then coming apparent

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
My eyes fluttered open, the pain in my neck then coming apparent. I moved my hand to rub it and lifted my head into a straight position.

I turned a bit to see what caused my neck to hurt only to find out I had been asleep for at least an hour on Newts shoulder. I didn't mind and I hoped he didn't.

The helicopter was beginning to lower and land on the ground.

"Everyone off come on!" A man shouted. The rest jumped off as I jumped to Thomas

"Thomas!" I shouted over the still moving propeller "Thomas! Wake up! We gotta go! Come on!" I shouted. He eyes opened slowly. He got up quickly realising the seriousness of my face.

A man helped us off the helicopter and before jogged over to me he ran back to helicopter to grab something in a rush

"Thomas come on!" I shouted

"I'm coming!" He shouted back as he started to run next to my side. I was shocked to hear guns shot being fired onto then realising the realness of the situation.

I picked up my pace scared to even turn around. Only then did I look at where we were running to, it was big building. No, big was an understatement. Colossal building, bigger than the Glade covered in windows and lights and wall.

It was magnificent and it shocked my again just how big all these structures are, the maze, this building is everything here just massive? I ran towards it anyways, running for my life, literally.

We were only a bit behind the others, not far. Yet once we got into an opening the door shut quickly behind us, a lot like how the doors of the maze shut.

"Newt!" Was the first thing I shouted not even thinking. I spun quickly breathing heavily

"Diana! I'm here," he came towards me

"Good," I nodded. I didn't even know what I was running from but I ran fast and I was out of breath. We were in what I can only describe as a warehouse. With box's everywhere and small little contraptions to move them.

But again, even in here. This room was massive, far back full of people and high up too. There's was so much of everything. Everyone around us seamed to be pretty ignorant towards us. Which I liked, I liked people not caring I was there. It felt new. A man came up to us in grey uniform ruining my haven of disappearance.

"Go into that room there," he pointed. We looked between ourselves and headed over slowly. Where else was there to go? We headed into the again surprisingly big room.

To see a table of food. All the food we could ever imagine. The group was full of gasps as we all sat down quickly.


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