With her, I feel safe.

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A/N - Sorry for updating this chapter, I've just been rereading a bit and found some things I didn't like DHSJ. I know I could've left it but it bothers me so...


My ears started to twitch rapidly as I felt something hold up my hand, my eyes sprung open only to see that Zdog and Lyle were the ones fiddling with my hand. 'What are you doing?' I asked, watching as they jumped back with their arms up, letting my hand fall back onto the bed.

'Absolutely nothing at all.' Lyle grinned, backing away slowly as Zdog only awkwardly stared at me with her tail swishing curiously.

'We were just curious, since you know, you are a bit unique.' I scrunched my nose as she said that before stretching out my arms and sitting upwards to face the two recoms, it seemed everyone else was in their own world as they got ready for another day of training. Which reminded me that it would be my first time training with these Recombinants.

'I see, I can understand why you'd be curious but you skxwangs should next time wake me up. I wouldn't have minded if you asked.' I responded with annoyance, then yawning before my eyes started searching for some clothing to put on. I had been wearing the same tank top and cargo pants for a while and I would like a little change. These types of clothing are quick to get dirty after all, and it was best to change frequently. Unfortunately I didn't really have any other options.

'What did you just call us?' Lyle scoffed dramatically, he knew well that I was calling him something rude. I ignored him though. Z couldn't careless and only chuckled. I focused back on the problem in front of me, clothes.

'Uh, Z? You wouldn't happen to have any spare tank tops and pants that I could perhaps borrow?'

She grinned, nodding her head as I watched her walk over to grab some from a cabinet attached to her bunk. 'Here, these are the biggest I have that'll hopefully fit.' She threw a spare tank top and pair of pants over to me, I quickly caught them and smiled as a thank you.

Barely managing to squeeze into the tank top and pants, I noticed Zdog waiting for me at the door while all the other recoms were gone to train. 'Come on, I'll show you where we train.' Z smiled, leading me through a few hallways. We reached the room rather quick since it was pretty close to where we slept.

 She opened the door, holding it for me before leading the way towards where all the other recoms were. I lowered myself into the room, finally being able to walk straight up instead of having to lower myself through the hallways.

'What exactly are we supposed to do?' My head tilted curiously down at her before Colonel Quaritch approached.

'We'll start with some practice fighting, I'd like to see how you are against Corporal Wainfleet.' Lyle's head popped up from lifting weights, grinning at the sight of me while he placed the weights back where they were supposed to be and made his way over to us.

'This'll be fun, right kitty?' The man teased before watching the Colonel step out of the way, as well as Zdog who I noticed had a smirk forming on her face.

'Wipe the floor with him.' Z said, smirking as she went to go sit next to a recom called "Walker".

Taking our stances, I awaited for Quaritch's signalling for us to begin and Lyle was doing the same but had his eyes locked straight on me. I turned my attention back to my opponent, tail anxiously swishing behind me before our match had began. I was fast enough to trip Lyle over with my foot, slamming myself onto him in an instant before holding him down in place with my arms. He attempted to escape my grasp but I only hissed as I waited for him to stop squirming and accept defeat.

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