Teach me.

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Italic = speaking in Na'vi.

And warning, canon characters may not act the EXACT way that they do in the movies, I cannot perfect that. I write them out how I feel they'd be like.

Anyway, enjoy.


I turned into the cafeteria, grabbing a tray and walking over to the recom table. It was empty, almost. Z was sitting alone, eating her tray of foods. Her head lifted up when she noticed me coming towards the table. She offered me a smile, which I took no interest in. She frowned, watching me sit across from her. I usually would sit beside her but I didn't feel like it tonight.

I began on my tray of foods, forcing bites down every now and then. I tried to ignore Z the best I could, but I'm not good at staying angry.

'Sywan?..' Z spoke, trying her best to say my na'vi name with her tongue. My attention perked up at that, giggling at how she said it.

'It's pronounced sjawn on your tongue.' I corrected her. She raised one of her eyebrows.

'That's what I said!' She exclaimed, putting her fork back onto her tray.

I shook my head, bursting into laughter. 'No you didn't.' I tried to focus back on my food, but I just couldn't stop laughing. She rolled her head back with an eye roll, before looking straight into my eyes.

'Okay okay, look. I know today was rough on you, I'm sorry for how we manhandled those kids. I'm concerned you're mad at me for that.' She sighed, resting her hands on her lap, looking down at them awkwardly. I sighed, shaking my head again.

'I'm not mad at you, I promise. But who I am mad at, is the Colonel and the General.' I said before pushing more of the disgusting foods down my throat.

'I understand it was apart of your orders. I just wish it didn't affect me so much is all. I appreciate that you softened up after looking at me though.' We both frowned, breaking into a moment of silence. An awkward silence.

I sighed heavily before I continued again. 'I don't want to be apart of this, I wish you could think the same. I see you as a close friend, even though we've only known each other for what? About two or three nights?'

'Knowing that, I still wish for you to change your view of things.' I mumbled, finishing up with my tray. I stood up, abandoning the conversation after that. I returned my tray and began making my way down the hallway. I decided to have a shower to clear my mind.

I was stopped right before I reached the showers, my arm being held behind me. I looked back to see Z. 'What do you want?' I asked, removing my arm from her grasp.

'I.. want to try and see things the way you do. We're friends, which means I should be putting in effort for you. But you have to remember I still have orders.' She sighed, scratching the back of her head.

My eyes widened, staring at her with awe. I took a moment to take in what she said before my eyes softened. A smile soon taking place on my face.

'I'd appreciate that, Z.' I replied, a purr escaping from my throat.

She returned the smile. I noticed her bandages while she removed her arm from scratching her head, I forgot about that. 'Oh, by the way. How's your arm? Since uh you know, you got yourself bitten.' I chuckled, slightly teasing. She rolled her eyes, lifting up her arm again to show the bandage.

'It's fine, I got it checked out not too long ago. This bite doesn't even hurt.' She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. I giggled.

We held eye contact for a few minutes, remaining silent while we both tried to think of something to say. If I had to guess, we both didn't want this to end. I enjoyed her company and I felt she enjoyed mine. I took a breath out of my mask and watched her do the same.

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