The Sully kids.

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WARNING- not fully accurate to the movie, I rewrote most of this to fit into my story. will not have all details but I'll try to fit in some along with my own writing to the story.

Zdog nodded, rubbing my shoulder before returning her focus to Quaritch.

'Alright, you all hang out on the lower decks, Wainfleet and I have somethings to discuss with the captain.' He yelled out before entering the ship along with Spider and Lyle.

I turned back to my Ikran, rubbing her nose before telling her off. 'Go hunt, Yuti.' I smiled and watched her fly off. I looked over my shoulder to see if Mavis needed help unloading, but to my surprise, Mansk was doing that.

'We're not close, she says.' I teased her, she scoffed and ignored me. Mansk turned a light purple, his shades lightly slipping down the bridge of his nose before he adjusted them.

'Harsh, didn't expect you of all people to ignore me.' I hummed, leaping down the side of the ship; following after Zdog who was making her way down to the lower deck. Mavis and the others trailed behind us after gathering items they loaded on their ikrans.

The sky people stared, moving out of the way as we walked through the ship. It was decently sized and was pretty easy to get around in. Besides the interior, that looked cramped.

'So, what're we supposed to do now?' Mavis asked, folding her arms across her chest while leaning against the railings. I shrugged, leaning beside her on the railing.

'I guess we just have to wait. I'm sure Colonel will be back soon to give us some orders.' Mansk sighed, looking at Mavis through his shades.

I rolled my eyes at the mentioning of the Colonel, turning my head to look at the water. Before we knew it, we had taken off and the boat was moving.. Well sort of hovering in the air too.

'Alright everybody, listen up,' A familiar yell went out from a deck above, Quaritch. 'We're going to search villages, prepare to fight.' He yelled out again, using a small flight of stairs to get to the lower deck.

My eyes widened, I growled and stepped forward to face him. 'No, no fucking way we're doing that.'

He raised his eyebrows. 'Yes we're doing this, you listen to my orders, Kiara because this is how things are gonna work.' Quaritch growled back, looking up at me to test my doubts.

'I refuse to let you do that, I can no longer participate in this mission. I am through with this bullshit you and the RDA pull. You cannot harm anymore people then you already have.' My teeth gritted while my tail thrashed behind me.

He frowned, tilting his head to the side. 'Is that so? Then I'm afraid you're gonna be seeing the General after we're done. Unless you choose to obey, I can forget this small accident.'

I hissed, grabbing his throat with force. I held him up and bared my teeth in his face. 'I refuse to let this-' I grunted, Lyle had kicked me in the knees, causing me to lose balance and fall down to the floor. Quaritch frowned, rubbing his neck after being released.

'Fucking bitch, knew having a feral among us was a bad idea. Don't get me wrong, you're strong, but your mind is clearly not in the right place.' Lyle sighed, grabbing ahold of my arms in order to cuff my hands together.

Mavis looked in horror as this took place, she was stunned in place next to Mansk. I looked to Z for help but she stood in silence, I bit my lip as Lyle threw me to her legs.

'Tie her to the railing and get a move on. We're reaching an island soon and we need to focus instead of trying to get this feral kitty to obey.' Quaritch ordered, Zdog nodded and grabbed ahold of my arms. She cuffed me to the railing and gave me a sympathetic look before following after the others.

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