Syawn, my name means blessing.

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This chapter will mention-> Violence, death, shooting, gun to the head, shot in the head, blood, nightmares, fighting, kidnapping/capture, chains and possible torture??

If you are sensitive to any of these, I would suggest skipping this chapter.

Anyways, enjoy <3

I snapped back into reality with Zdog waving her arm in front of me, trying to get my attention back to her. 'Are you okay? You seem to be a bit troubled.' Z asked, blowing another bubble from her mouth.

'Yes, I'm fine. I guess I was just worried about starting a conversation with you, I mean I don't know what you'd want to know.' My ears fluttered in embarrassment, turning my head to look at the wall instead.

Zdog chuckled, reaching her arm out and turning my head back to face her. 'What couldn't be interesting about you?' My face heated up and my tail swished behind me while our eyes locked together, she had an amused grin on her face.

'I'd say something about myself, but uh you pretty much know everything by just being around me.' She giggled, moving herself to lay against the wall while her legs stretched out across the bed. I smiled at her before sitting myself up, my face turning more serious.

A sigh released from my mouth as I tried to think about what I was about to word to her. 'This might be weird, but I guess I could tell you something about my name.' Her head tilted, eyebrows raising.

'I already know your name, though. It's Kiara.' I chuckled at that.

'No, it actually isn't. That's just a name the sky people call me. Or humans, as you call them.' I watched her eyes widen, she moved from laying against the wall to sitting cross-legged.

'Syawn. My name is Syawn.' I grinned brightly before continuing.

'It means blessing, I was named that by my adoptive parents. Since they were unable to have children, they believed I was a blessing given to them by our mother, Eywa.' I lifted my hands up and cradled the beads carrying my hair, closing my eyes as I tightened my hold.

I sighed heavily as my memories of my parents unfolded again, it was hard for me to think about them. But I let them go, opening my eyes to look at Z again. 'But I wasn't allowed to use that name here. Since the R.D.A has made me one of their pets. So they just gave me the name Kiara to use.'

'I'm sorry, I didn't know about that. What name should I call you then? Seeing that Kiara isn't your actual name.' Z asked, her eyes were as genuine as they could be. I couldn't help but smile at that.

I shook my head. 'Don't worry about it. Just continue with calling me Kiara, if I was called my name in front of the General, she'd punish me for sharing it.' My smile faded at that, sighing. I rested my head against the wall while my eyes rested on Zdog.

We stayed silent for a few minutes before her hand reached out and rubbed the back of my ear in a comforting manner. 'I.. don't really know what to say but the least I can do is try and make you feel a bit better.' She smiled at me before her attention was caught by the rumbling coming out of my throat. My face quickly heated up in embarrassment, pushing her hand away from my ear.

'Are you purring? Well I'd be damned, I didn't know that you could purr. Can other na'vi purr?' She asked while I struggled to find my words. I could only nod in response, I was too embarrassed to speak.

Her eyes lit up at my nod, I guess she really didn't know about how na'vi bodies work. Which meant she has yet to learn more about hers, seeing that it's basically a forest na'vi. With an extra finger. She must've taken notice of how I was feeling because a small smirk formed onto her face. 'Why're you so heated up? I like your cute kitty purr.' Z giggled while I pouted.

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