It can't be that hard, can it?

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Quick heads up that there is a kissing scene at the end for anyone who doesn't like that sort of thing.


'Dear Eywa, this woman is a heavy sleeper.' A boy spoke.

'Well, she was with the RDA, so it makes sense that she doesn't know when to wake up.' Another sighed.

I groaned, smacking a hand away from my face. 'Leave me alone.' I mumbled out in annoyance.

'No, it's time to wake up.' The voice responded, this time tugging at my braid.

I yelped, springing up and snatching it from the boys hand. I carefully rubbed it before turning towards whoever had just did that. 'Oh, it's you kids.' I yawned, rubbing my eyes after looking at my braid for any bruising.

'Finally, you're awake. You said you'd help around the clan so we're here to teach you how it works around here.' Aonung folded his arms, his tail waved around behind him.

'Right, okay.' I stood, stretching out my arms before I turned towards Syawn. She still wasn't awake. I frowned. 'Syawn..' I muttered at the sight of her, I was disappointed to her still being passed out. It felt weird not to have her waking up with me. I missed that.

Neteyam sighed from behind me, walking over to take a look at Syawn. 'She'll be okay here, my mother will watch over her while we're gone.' He looked at me with a reassuring look. I only nodded in response.

'Anyways! Hi, I'm Tuk!' A voice pushed themselves towards me, squeezing in between Neteyam. I looked down to see the kid that had bitten me a while back in the forest. She definitely remembered. 'Sorry about biting you back then, we were sort of enemies then.' She added after seeing my look.

I chuckled and shook my head. 'No worries kid, I understand. The name's Zdinarsk, call me Zdog or Z though.' I smiled down at her, which she returned with a bigger smile. She was adorable.

'I brought you some of our clothes to change into, if you're gonna stay here, you gotta wear suitable clothes!' Tuk giggled, handing me a loincloth and a top. I gave her an unsettled look when I took them.

'Uh.. I'm not sure about this..'

'Don't worry, you'll adjust to them.' Neteyam reassured me.

I nodded and lead the trio out so I could change, which they respectfully did. I sighed, turning back to face my mate. That's when I noticed our clothes were pretty similar, was that on purpose?

I held up the top with my hands, the loth cloth underneath my arm as I viewed the top. It was beautiful, a soft coloured gold surrounded the outlines of the rough netted fabric, while the rest was of purple and hints of blue. There was shells along the bottom with one large one on the left strap. I smiled in approval before switching to take a look at the loincloth. It was a plain purple with hints of green, quite the colourful outfit.

As for Syawn's, hers was the same but in different colours. Light shade's of brown with gold and green.

'How the hell do you put these things on?' I examined them more before putting them over my shoulders. I kicked off my underwear and slid off my bra. I threw the set nearby Syawn before sliding the loincloth on. 'Comfy.' I muttered, brushing it out a bit.

Followed by the loincloth, was the top piece. I shrugged into it but sure enough, it fit nice and was decently comfortable.

'Are you done yet?' Tuk called, her voice sounding bored. I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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