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NOTE- This takes place 3 years before Jake Sully comes to Pandora.

Trigger warning- mention of corpse/dead body, gunshot wounds.

Italic=Speaking in na'vi.

Enjoy!! <3

Yuley laughed, watching her mate trip over a root while in the middle of hunting. 'Skxawng.' She shook her head as she spoke. He scoffed in return, picking himself off the ground and begun to brush off the dirt he collected.

'I did my best, you know I'm not the best hunter. I rather fight.'  He replied after cleaning himself free of dirt. He earned another laugh from Yuley.

Vokan pouted, turning himself away from his mate in annoyance. He refused to give eyesight to her after she just made fun of him. She sighed, walking over to place her hand on his shoulder. He shook it off though and continued acting as if he were a child.

'HEY. Don't you start acting like this on me.' She spoke sternly with her tail swishing behind her, earning her mate's attention back. She chuckled, enjoying the obedience she had with him.

'But Yuleyy.. you gotta be nicer to me.. I'm not a great hunter like you, ma loveee!' He whined while she turned her back on him. Her attention was caught elsewhere, which perked up Vokan's interest to where she was looking.

The bushes were rustling.

They both stayed silent, looking at each other before they both approached the bush. Vokan had his knife and bow ready, in case it was something looking to attack. Yuley took a deep breath in, then out before she moved the bushes and revealed what seemed to be a baby.

Yuley gasped, immediately scooping the child into her arms. 'My Eywa, what is this?' She tilted her head at the snow leopard na'vi baby who was waving their arms around. Vokan curiously looked at the child his mate was holding in her arms, head tilting as well.

'Is this a baby or a cub? Or a baby-cub?' He asked mindlessly, making Yuley scoff at his stupidness.

'Obviously it's a child, one that should be in the winter tundras. What is it-' She cut herself off, noticing a corpse hidden behind the bush. She assumed she was the mother of this child, since she also was a snow leopard na'vi.

Her ears flattened at the sight of the bullet wounds this mother had over herself, the demons must've killed her while in an attempt to flee. Yuley could only guess that though.

Vokan soon followed her eyes, he sighed heavily at the sight. 'What do we do with this child? We can't bring it back to where the snowy tundras are. It's too far.' He asked, reaching his hand out to the child who was looking for something to grip onto, allowing his hand to be grasped by the little ones hands.

'Plus, this looks like a bad sign that something happened to the tundra clan. If we did try to bring this one back, we might end up seeing the destruction of their clan.' He frowned, looking to his mates eyes for any sort of answer.

'We shall bring it back to our clan, our Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan will know what to do. I'm sure of it.' Yuley sighed, her eyes never leaving the child in her arms.

Vokan noticed her saddened expression and knew this was troubling her more so because of the fact she and himself couldn't bare children of their own. And he knew she was wishing that this was her own child she was holding.

This was Yuley's first time holding a child that wasn't a sibling, he knew this but was surprised at how motherly she was scooping up the baby. Instantly knowing she wanted to take it under her wing.

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