Rust-eze and Maybelline

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[Then the screen shows fireworks exploding in the sky as the screen pans down]

Lightning McQueen: [McQueen and Maddie drive through the trailer parking lot as they go to McQueen's and Maddie's trailers' parking spaces.] First one to California gets Dinoco all to himself. Oh, we'll see who gets there first, Chick. [They then come to McQueen's and Maddie's trailers' parking spaces, but the trailers aren't there.] Huh?

Mack: Hey, kid! Congrats on the tie.

Maddie McWilliams: I don't want to talk about it. Come on, let's go, Maxine. Saddle up. What'd you do with my trailer?

Maxine: I parked it at your sponsor's tent.

Lightning McQueen: WHAT?!

Mack: Well, you gotta make your personal appearance.

Maddie McWilliams: No, no! No, no, no, no, no, no!

McQueen: [The screen then shows a commercial on a TV screen inside the Rust-eze tent, on TV] Yes, yes, yes! Lightning McQueen here. And I use Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment, new rear end formula! Nothing soothes rusty bumper like Rust-ezzzzzeeee. [A picture of a Rust-eze container moves across the rear bumper of a rusty car. As the container moves across, the bumper shines. Text appears saying "Actual results may take up to 36 weeks."] Wow! Look at that shine! Use Rust-eze and you too can look like me! Ka-chow!

Rusty: [The commercial ends, and the screen zooms out to show the rusty cars in the Rust-eze tent. On the stage was the founder brothers Rusty and Dusty Rust-eze laughing] I met this car from Swampscott. He was so rusty he didn't even cast a shadow. [laughs]

Dusty: You could see his dirty undercarriage. [He crowd laughs, the screen zooms out to show McQueen and Mack outside the tent entrance which has two McQueen cardboard cut-outs. McQueen was hiding behind one of them]

Lightning McQueen: [sighs angrily] I hate rusty cars! This is not good for my image!

Mack: [to McQueen] They did give you your big break. Besides, it's in your contract.

Lightning McQueen: [to Mack] Oh, will you stop please? Just go get hooked up.

Dusty: Winter is a grand old time.

Rusty: Of this there are no ifs or buts. [While Dusty and Rusty were talking, McQueen is hiding behind cardboard cut-outs as he enters the tent]

Dusty: But remember, all that salt and grime...

Rusty: Can rust your bolts and freeze your...

Dusty: [Then the cardboard cut-outs tilt over, exposed McQueen to the rusty cars] Hey, look! There he is! [The rusty cars in the crowd then turn towards McQueen] Our almost champ! Victory ran to your rear end in here, kid.

Rusty car 1: Lightning McQueen, you are wicked fast!

Rusty car 2 (J. Shoesteer): That race was a pisser!

Rusty car 3: Yeah, you were booking, McQueen!

Lightning McQueen: Give me a little room, guys.

Fred: You're my hero, Mr. McQueen!

Lightning McQueen: Yes, I know! [laughs as he reads Fred's name on his license plate] Fred, Fred, thank you!

Fred: He knows my name! HE KNOWS MY NAME!
[his front bumper falls off, Dusty and Rusty laughs]

Dusty: Looking good, Freddie! [McQueen then get on the stage.]

Rusty: Thanks to you, Lightning, we had a banner year!

Dusty: We might clear enough to buy you some headlights.

Rusty: Are you saying he doesn't have headlights?

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