Into Town

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Maddie McWilliams: Maxine... the Interstate! [Then McQueen and Maddie move backwards and drive left, forgetting that they were actually on the right road to the Interstate before driving onto the wrong road. The screen moves to show that they are actually on Route 66, then it shows an aerial view of them driving along. They then drive past a billboard where Sheriff was, with their roaring engines waking him up. Sheriff gasps and waking up]

Sheriff: Not in my town, you two don't... [chases after McQueen and Maddie with his siren wailing]

Lightning McQueen: [notices Sheriff] Oh, no. Oh, maybe he can help us! [Suddenly, Sheriff is heard backfiring. McQueen and Maddie thought that Sheriff was shooting at them.] He's shooting at us! Why is he shooting at us?!

Sheriff: [backfiring] I haven't gone this fast in years. [Sheriff grunts as he backfires again] I'm gonna blow a gasket or somethin'.

Maddie McWilliams: Serpentine, serpentine, serpentine!

Sheriff: [noticing our heros doing serpentine] What in the blue blazes?! Crazy hot-rodders! [he continues chasing McQueen and Maddie as his siren continues wailing.]

[The scene then shows Radiator Springs, with the song My Heart Would Know by Hank Williams playing. It shows a montage of the different characters. Some bugs are heard buzzing as they get attracted by the lights of Flo's V8 Café. Guido tries to keep a tire upright on top of another tire lying flat on the ground, which a sign being blown by the breeze keeps tilting it. Then it shows the statue of Stanley, which Red the fire truck is seen watering flowers around the statue. Lizzie is seen sleeping outside her curio shop. Ramone, Flo, Sarge and Fillmore are seen at Flo's V8 Café as Fillmore was watching the intersection traffic light, which its amber light is blinking.]

Fillmore: I'm telling you, man, every third blink is slower.

Sarge: The sixties weren't good to you, were they?

[Then they hear backfiring noises as the music stops. The scene then goes to McQueen and Maddie still being chased by Sheriff as they both see Radiator Springs in the distance.]

Lightning McQueen: What? That's not the Interstate! [Suddenly, Sheriff backfires again. They scream and hits some traffic cones] Ow, ow, ow, ow!

[McQueen and Maddie then drives off the road, and comes across a giant cone. They scream and all the residents stopped themselves to watch McQueen and Maddie go out of control, helpless to stop them. McQueen's and Maddie's tires screech, then drive away across the road. They come up towards a fence.] No, no, no, no! [They hit the fence, getting it caught on them.] Ow! [McQueen's and Maddie's then heading towards a sign. They scream and McQueen and Maddie then drive to the left, heading for Flo's V8 Cafe.]

Fillmore: I'm not the only seeing this, right?

[McQueen and Maddie then appear, driving out of control and knocking over some cans.]

Sarge: Incoming!

Fillmore: Whoa, man!

Sarge: No! [Sarge, Fillmore, and Ramone drive out of the way. The fence hits Ramone's body. Guido hides behind the sign.]

Ramone: Hey, you two scratch my paint!

Maddie McWilliams: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Luigi: My tires!

[They then drive along the main road with tires all over their bodies. McQueen and Maddie grunt as they spit out a tire in their mouths, Red gasps and drives into the building, McQueen and Maddie continue driving along the road, spotting Stanley's statue. They scream and they then drive around the statue, while hitting Red's flowers. Red gasps at his flowers being hit, the fence gets caught on Stanley's statue. McQueen and Maddie notice, and tries to move backwards to get away from the statue. Their tires squealing, and the cables vibrating as the statue starts to come off. Finally, the statue goes up into the air. McQueen and Maddie stop moving, glad that the statue was gone. Suddenly, the statue lands in front of them on the road. They scream. They turn around and drive away, while pulling Stanley's statue. The pole beneath the base was destroying the road. They scream and Flo, Ramone, Fillmore, Sarge and the whole of town watch as McQueen's and Maddie's screams goes past them. The statue continues damaging the road before finally going up a ramp beside the road. The ramp splits in half as the statue lands on some telephone wires. They grunt as they struggle to move, McQueen and Maddie then loses their grip, and the force pulls them back. They end up hanging from the telephone wires as Stanley's statue flies through the air.]

Fillmore: Fly away, Stanley. Be free!

[Red gasps as the statue comes towards him, and drives back into the courthouse, the statue lands back in its place, and the water resumes shooting out. Red then looks with shock. The music resumes as Sheriff drives slowly to McQueen and Maddie who are still hanging from the telephone wires. Sheriff panting heavily]

Sheriff: Boy and Girl, you two are in a heap of trouble.

[McQueen and Maddie sigh and close their eyes and passes out]

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