California Race

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Bob Cutlass: [The screen then shows a hill and goes over it to show the Los Angeles International Speedway. Bob and Darrell are heard talking as Al Oft flies over, along with the spectators coming into the circuit.] Hello, race fans, and welcome to what has become, quite simply, the biggest event in the history of racing. A four-way battle for the Piston Cup!

Darrell Cartrip: Bob, there's a crowd of nearly 200,000 cars here at the Los Angeles International Speedway. Tickets to this race are hotter than a black leather seat on a hot summer day!

Bob Cutlass: The King, Chick Hicks, Lightning McQueen, and Maddie "The Angel" McWilliams in a 200 laps, winner-takes-all, tiebreaker race. [Then the screen fades to a different shot and moves to Darrell and Bob, who are in front of a couple of spectators, along with Todd the Pizza Planet truck and Elvis.]

Darrell Cartrip: You know I got a lotta miles on me, but let me tell you somethin' buddy. I never thought I'd see anything like this. Wow! Man, this is exciting! [The screen then shows several closed signs on different buildings as Bob is talking, such as a person turning a sign from "Open" to "Closed", the sign for the East Honkers Shopping Mall saying "Closed for race", and Emery ville's sign showing a label saying "Closed for the race", and at the end of Bob's line, the screen shows some trucks and drivers watching the race on TV.]

Bob Cutlass: In fact, the country has almost shut down, to watch what many experts are calling the race of the century. [The King's pit crew have finished putting a new set of tires on him, when Junior appears.]

Junior: Hey, King! Good luck in your last race. You've sure been an inspiration to me.

The King: Thanks, Junior. Appreciate it.

Lynda Weathers: Hey, be careful out there, okay?

The King: Yeah, mam. [Then the screen shows Chick with the press again, with Mia and Tia behind him.]

Mia: Oh! He's so hot!

Chick: [while the photographers are talking] Oh, yeah. You wanna know the forecast? I'll give you the forecast. A 100 percent chance of THUNDER! [the press take pictures as he poses] Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Say it with me! [the press join in] Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! [Meanwhile, a security officer named Marco Axelbender notices Fred while checking all of the spectators with another security officer.]

Security: [to Fred and Marinette] Hey, you! No admittance without a garage pass.

Fred: Oh, it's okay. Lightning McQueen knows me!

Marinette: And Maddie McWilliams knows me!

Andretti: [coming up with Patty] Hey, Marco, it's a beautiful day for a race, isn't it?

Security: Absolutely, Mr. Andretti.

Andretti: [Fred chuckles] And good morning to you uh [looks at Fred and Marinette's license plates] Fred and Marinette.

Fred and Marinette: Mario Andretti he knows our names! [to Marco] You gotta let us in now!

Security: Sorry, pal.

[The screen then moves and zooms in on Mack and Maxine's trailers as the press surround it. McQueen's voice is heard.]

Lightning McQueen: Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed.

[The screen goes black.]

Lightning McQueen: I am speed.

[The screen then shows the same shot of race cars whizzes past as shown at the very beginning of the film, before going back to black.]

Lightning McQueen: Victory. 1 winner, 3 losers.

[The screen then shows the same shot of McQueen engine revving and racing from when he was preparing while inside Mack's trailer at the very beginning of the film.]

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