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[Suddenly, Mater rushes towards our heroes, looking worried.]

Tow Mater: Hey, listen, listen! If anybody asks you, we was out smashin' mailboxes, okay?! [drives away]

Lightning McQueen: [chuckling] Wha... What?

[Suddenly, they hear a rumble. Then they look at the other end of the road to see what it is. The camera turns around to show that end of the road as a stampede of tractors appears driving towards the town. Tractors mooing. McQueen and Maddie drive off the road just as the tractors come towards them. The tractors drive through the town, as Flo, Sarge, Fillmore and Sheriff notice them from Flo's V8 Cafe. We then see Ramone using paint to spray the markings on the road. Red is watering his flowers. Ramone noticing the tractors]

Ramone: Oh, man, the paint's still wet! [drives away]

[Red stops watering as he notices the tractors. Tractors mooing. Red moves in front of Stanley's statue and honks loudly at the tractors to make most of them tip. Tractors tipping mooing. One of the tractors who did not tip drives into Luigi's Casa Della Tires, as Luigi and Guido try to get it out.]

Luigi: No, no, no, no, get out of the store! [notices another tractor munching on a radial tire] Hey?! DON'T EAT THE RADIAL! Here, take-a the snow tires. [nudges a set of snow tires. We then see McQueen and Maddie arriving at the scene as Sheriff, Fillmore, Sarge and Mater drive around the town, with Sheriff chasing one of the tractors, another tractor between Fillmore and Sarge as they drive around, while Mater is not chasing a tractor.]

Sheriff: MATER!

Tow Mater: I wasn't tractor-tippin'!


Fillmore: [McQueen and Maddie laugh, exclaiming] WHOA, BOY! WHOA!

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