Tractor Tipping

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[Then the screen shows McQueen and Maddie beside Mater on top of a hill at night.]

Lightning McQueen: [Whispers] Mater, we're not doing this.

Tow Mater: Aw, come on, you two will love it! [Mater chuckles. The screen then shows a field full of sleeping tractors.] Tractor-tippin's fun!

Maddie McWilliams: [Tractors snoring] This is ridiculous.

Tow Mater: [to McQueen and Maddie] Alright, listen, when I say go, we go, but don't let Frank catch you two, GO! [drives towards the field]

Lightning McQueen: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait, Wait, Wait! W--Wh--Who's Frank? [Mater continues driving, and enters the field. McQueen and Maddie whispering] Mater! Wait, Mater! [McQueen and Maddie then follow Mater.]

Tow Mater: Okay, here's what you two do, you two just sneak up in front of them, and then honk? And they do the rest. Watch this. [tiptoes towards a tractor, and honks his horn loudly. Tractor 1 wakes up. Leans up and moos, then lands on its back. Then gas is heard sloshing, and the tractor backfires, which it sounded like farting. Mater laughs loudly] I swear, tractors is so dumb! I tell you two what, buddies, you two don't get much better than this.

Maddie McWilliams: Yep, you're living the dream, Mater boy.

[Then Mater drives away towards another tractor, jumps up into the air, lands back on the ground, and honks his horn. Tractor 2 wakes up. Leans up, moos, and lands on its back. Mater then drives back to McQueen and Maddie, and poses himself for the tractor's gas sloshing and the backfiring. Mater laughs again.]

Tow Mater: I don't care who you are, that's funny right there. [to McQueen and Maddie] Ah, both of you turns, buds.

Lightning McQueen: Mater, we can't. We don't even have horns.

Tow Mater: Babies?

Maddie McWilliams: We're not babies!

Tow Mater: [clucking]

Lightning McQueen: [to Mater] Fine. Stop, Stop, Okay? Alright, we'll do something.

[Then the screen shows McQueen and Maddie driving slowly towards a tractor. They stop in front of it, and just watches. Tractor 3 snores, McQueen and Maddie look shocked, then they look towards and Mater, who grins and moves his tire towards the tractor. The camera then shows from beneath the tractor's undercarriage as McQueen and Maddie get prepared to do something. The screen then does a close-up on McQueen and Maddie as they revs their engines loudly. Tractor 3 wakes up. Then all of the other tractors wake up. Tractors exclaim, and lean up all land on their backs. Then the tractors gurgle as Mater, McQueen and Maddie look toward each other. Then the tractors all backfire, one by one. After one second, the last tractor remaining backfires. Then Mater, McQueen, and Maddie laugh. Then an angry moo is heard in the distance as they all stop laughing. The screen then turns to show a bush, and some lights from behind as another moo is heard.]

Tow Mater: ... That's Frank. [drives away, while our heroes are standing still]

[Then the bushes get shredded as Frank, a combine harvester appears and notices our heroes. Frank bellows angrily]

Maddie McWilliams: [Screams]

[The vehicle heroes rev their engines, turn around and drive away quickly as Frank chases them. Frank bellows. Frank gets closer to McQueen and Maddie, who then goes faster as they notice. Our heroes then catch up to Mater, who is laughing.]

Tow Mater: RUN!!! [continues laughing. Then the screen zooms out to show them heading towards the fence. Our heroes then turn to the left as Frank continues chasing them. Frank bellowing, and Mater laughing. Frank is then seen from his side as he gains on McQueen and Maddie.] Run, he's gonna get ya! [The screen then shows from our heroes' point of view as they all come towards another end of the field where there was one piece in the fence, and the 3 friends drive through it. McQueen and Maddie scream and Frank stops as he comes towards the edge of the field, and McQueen and Maddie stop and then drive away on the road with Mater back to Radiator Springs. Mater laughing]

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