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[Then the screen shows Mack and Maxine, who is trying to stay awake. His/her engines slow as his/her eyes start to shut. Mack and Maxine snore, wakes up, gasps and blubbers, grunts as he/she tries to keep his/her eyes open. But they close again. Mack and Maxine snore, and then wakes up, gasps and blubbers for about five seconds, and tries to keep his/her eyes open]

[Then rap music is heard as the screen shows close-ups of the Delinquent Road Hazards with their engines revving. DJ is playing a short song called Rollin' in the Rearview. Wingo is shown opening his shades. Then the screen shows him, Boost and DJ overtaking a car onto the left lane, then overtaking another car onto the right lane. They then overtake a car named Duff Wrecks onto the middle lane. and the left of another. The traffic's horns are heard beeping. Snot Rod, meanwhile, was overtaking the first car onto the right lane and going along the same lane until he overtakes Duff. After, he then starts to sneeze. Snot Rod sniffles, and sneezes. Snot Rod's sneezing causes himself to do an instant acceleration, open his throttle wide and shoot flames out of his headers, to which he then catches up to the other tuners as they come towards Mack and Maxine. DJ drives onto the right lane beside, while Wingo and Boost drive onto the left lane. Snot Rod is behind Mack and Maxine. Wingo then notices his reflection on Mack's and Maxine's trailers, and turns his interior lights on. Wingo chuckles, Boost and DJ get in front of Mack and Maxine, who are still concentrating to not fall asleep.]

Boost: Hey, yo, DJ!

DJ: What up?

Boost: We got ourselves two nodders!

DJ: [chuckles, Boost then drives onto the right lane, while DJ drives onto the middle lane that Mack and Maxine are on. DJ then plays the song Songbird.]

Mack: Pretty music. [falls asleep and snores]

Boost: Yo, Wingo! Lane change, man! [pushes Mack and Maxine onto the left lane towards Wingo, pushes Mack and Maxine back towards Boost]

Wingo: [chuckles] Right back at ya! [chuckles]

Boost: Oops! I missed!

Snot Rod: [dodges in front] You going on vacation?

Tuner team: [The four cars laugh as Mack and Maxine, who are still sleeping, moves onto the hard shoulder. The vibration of the hard shoulder causes, McQueen and Maddie to move slowly forward as they are still sleeping and snores. One of McQueen's and Maddie's bobbleheads then falls onto a button which opens the trailer's door. The hard shoulder's vibration continues to make McQueen and Maddie move forward onto the door which is pressing on the ground and causing sparks. Wingo chuckles, Snot Rod sniffles]

Boost: Oh no, Snot Rod!

Wingo: He's gonna blow!

Snot Rod: [DJ, Boost and Wingo then drive away as Snot Rod is still besides Mack and Maxine and starting to sneeze.] Ahh...ahhh...ahhh...achoooo!!!

Maxine: [Snot Rod accelerates away, Mack and Maxine wake up] GESUNDHEIT! [Chuckling] One should never drive while drowsy.

[McQueen and Maddie fall off the trailer doors onto the highway. The trailer doors then close. The sounds of tires squealing and horns honking are heard as some traffic drive around them still sleeping, McQueen and Maddie wakes up, then the sound of a horn honking loudly is heard as a truck heads towards them. McQueen and Maddie scream, the very jerky moments of the cars causes McQueen and Maddie to be startled and jolted wide-awake. Once they are awake they drive out of the way, and continues driving the wrong way while dodging some more cars. McQueen and Maddie exclaim, then three trucks on all three lanes are seen driving towards them, McQueen and Maddie gasp, honking their horns. McQueen and Maddie scream, they drive onto the grass median strip. McQueen and Maddie pant heavily as they see a queue of trucks driving away]

Lightning McQueen: Mack! [He and Maddie then drive back onto the lane, grunting as he and Maddie drive in front of some traffic honking their horns. McQueen and Maddie continue driving faster and overtaking some cars while trying to find Mack and Maxine.] Mack! [He and Maddie then come across the queue of trucks and a few cars. He and Maddie then accelerate faster, trying to find which truck is Mack.] Mack! Hey, Mack! Mack! [He and Maddie notice two trucks exiting the highway onto another road, thinking that they are Mack and Maxine.] Mack! Mack, wait for me! [His and Maddie's engines are heard revving as he and Maddie turn onto the same road that the trucks are driving along. His and Maddie's tires squeal as he and Maddie slide onto the road, and he and Maddie drive along the road with the trucks far ahead.] Mack! [The trucks, whose faces are not seen properly, then crosses a level crossing without barriers. Afterwards, the bell starts to ring as the pair of antique "upper-quadrant" wigwag crossing signals wave. McQueen and Maddie then notice this and look to their left to see a train coming. McQueen and Maddie then go faster as the train, named Trev notices him and Maddie and bellows his horn. McQueen and Maddie gets closer and closer to the level crossing. Thanks to good timing, he and Maddie cross the level crossing just in time before Trev could hit him and Maddie.] Mack! Mack! [He and Maddie then gets closer to the trucks, who are slowing down at a 3-way junction.] Mack! Mack! Wait up! [coughs from the trucks' fumes] Mack. Mack! Mack! [He and Maddie then drive alongside the trucks, but its trailer's side shows a sponsor for "Recycled Batteries" and "Androids". The screen then shows the trucks, who are actually two Peterbilts named Jerry Recycled Batteries and Kara Android and are not Mack and Maxine at all.] You two aren't Mack or Maxine.

Jerry and Kara: Mack and Maxine?! We ain't no Mack or Maxine, we're two Peterbilts for dang sake! [drives off] Turn on your lights, you morons!

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