chapter thirteen

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When Delia and Thomas pulled up to Georgia's house, they waited in the car for a moment. The silence was awkward and you could cut the tension with a knife. Delia looked over at Thomas who was looking out the windshield towards the house. "Think she'll lie to us?" He asked, suddenly. Delia chuckled. "Probably. Let's not tell her what we know right away." she said, cutting the engine and sticking her keys in her coat pocket. "I figure the newspapers already told her about her lover." Thomas said, opening the door and pushing himself out of the car. The public ate these kinds of cases up. Mostly because of the scandal. Never because they knew the victim personally or even remotely cared about them. 
     Delia followed Thomas up the porch steps and both of them knocked on the door at the same time. When they heard locks clicking, they pulled out their badges and held them up. The door pulled open aways, and a teenage girls face peeked out. "Georgia Barnes?" Thomas asked, trying to get a peek in the house from what little he was able to see. "Yeah, who's asking?" Delia stuck her badge towards the door. "Im detective Coolman and this is my partner, Mr. Langdon. We were hoping we could ask you a few questions." She gave a warm smile, trying to win the girl over a little bit. Delia was very good at manipulating people. It was part of the job. Georgia fully opened the door, motioning for the detectives to go in. "Can I get you guys anything?" Georgia asked. She was a pretty girl. Not much older than seventeen, with pretty long dark hair and slim fit body. "No thank you, we're alright." Delia said as she took a seat on the couch. "Can I ask why you guys are here? I mean, I have a few unpaid parking tickets but I don't think that calls for a couple of detectives." She added a nervous chuckle. "Well, I thought your friends mom could have taken care of that." Thomas said, a fake smile on his face. Georgia's face turned pale and she shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about." she mumbled. She folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes. Delia nodded. "Georgia, were you friends with Beatrice Harlem? Maybe, more than friends?" Georgia faltered and then looked down towards the ground. "Me and Beatrice were nothing more than friends. I wanted to be more but she said she couldn't. I guess I could have somewhat understood. I mean, her mom is the senator. And shes a republican, I don't think she would have been very supportive. Mostly because her image." Georgia started to say. As she was talking she made her way towards the chair across from the couch the detectives were sitting on. Delia nodded and started jotting down notes. "That must have been hard. Must have really hurt." Thomas said. Georgia nodded but then she looked at Thomas. "I didn't have anything to do with her murder. I had to find out from the newspaper that the only person I've ever loved was brutally murdered." she snapped. Delia glanced at Thomas and gave him a look. He caught it and leaned back against the couch again, catching the hint. "Did Beatrice have a boyfriend? Someone she might have been hooking up with?" Delia asked. Georgia paused before answering. "No." She deadpanned. Delia nodded and shifted herself on the couch so that she was leaning closer to Georgia. "I need you to tell me the truth. Right now Beatrice's murderer is running rampant in the streets. He may have even killed a mortician. We need all the help we can get. You want to get back at the man that killed your friend? That made you find out through the newspaper?" She dug deeper. Georgia was shaking her head, tears running down her cheeks. "I loved Beatrice." she finally said, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "But I don't think Beatrice was gay. She slept around a lot. Mostly strangers. But she stopped for weeks before she died. The last person she slept with was one of our friends from the high school we go to. His name was Brock. He was on the football team and his dad and her mom are very close. I think they even work together sometimes. Like a partnership. But I could be wrong. Maybe they were just having an affair." Georgia looked down at her hands and was silent for a while. 

After Delia had written everything she needed to down on her notepad, her and Thomas said their goodbyes. "I'm sorry you lost your friend. I know it's hard. But we're going to find the son of a bitch who did this." Thomas added before walking away. Delia smiled at Georgia and followed Thomas to the car. "Guess we go talk to the senator now." Thomas mumbled. "Think she'll see us?" Delia asked, throwing her head to the side to look at Thomas. His expression was blank as he stared out the window. "I think she'll want too." He whispered gravely. 

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