chapter twenty four

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Delia didn't know where she was going, she drove on autopilot until she ended up outside of her own house. Delia parked in her driveway, letting the car run idly as she stared at the front door. She took a deep breath and shut the car up and made her way towards the door. Delia opened it slowly and stood in the door frame, looking into the dark hallway and feeling a draft that was never there before.  She flipped on the lights and set her keys on the small table next to the door and made her way towards the kitchen after locking the door behind her. Delia let out a sigh and walked through the house, doing her own sweep of the house. It was clear, just like she was told but she still had anxiety about it.
     As she got settled back in, she thought about the figure she saw as she was leaving the precinct. In the interview room, she had gotten the answers that she needed but she was second guessing whether or not they got the right person. Who else would be standing across the street, trying to what seemed like intimidate her. Delia was startled from her thoughts when her phone started to ring. "Hello?" She answered, her voice creaky. "Delia, Thomas. I was just checking up on you. You kind of disappeared." Thomas replied quickly. Delia snapped back into reality and stood up from the couch, pacing the living the room as she replied. "Oh shit, yeah sorry I don't really know whats up with me. I just kinda spaced out and ended up at the house." She heard Thomas's breathing pause on the other end. "You're at your house?" He said, his voice devoid of emotion.  Delia raised her eyebrow, a sense of panic rising in her chest. "Uh, yeah?" She heard rustling on the other side of the phone. "Why are you there?" He asked, his voice growing increasingly concerned. "Riggs told me it was clear to come back. I went through the house and there's not a single camera in here." Delia sat down on the arm of the couch. "Delia, Riggs hasn't cleared the house yet. He still had stuff that he wanted to check out in there. Unknown fluids, fingerprints, anything that would help put the freaks behind bars." Delia heard Thomas step out of the office. "No. That's not possible though because Riggs told me." Thomas grunted on the other end. "Delia get out of the house now. There's something not right about this." He barked, the concern in his voice prominent now. "Thomas this is ridiculous, nothings going to-" Thomas didn't hear the rest of the conversation, all he heard was a gunshot and the sound of Delia gasping. 
       "Delia?" Thomas's voice screamed from the phone. "Delia what the hell happened?" and then the line disconnected as the intruder hung up the phone. Delia laid on the floor, her hands pressed against her stomach. "Now, now Delia." The intruder said in a sing-songey voice. "You were almost too  easy to deceive." The voice was feminine but Delia couldn't pin-point who it belonged too. Delia coughed, laying on the floor facing the ceiling. She heard the intruders shoes from somewhere behind her head, and tears ran down her face as she turned her head to look for her phone.  "I tried to warn you, I really did. I gave you hints to stay away, hell so did someone else. But you're a persistent one aren't you?" The intruder breathed humorously. Delia let out a moan as she tried to move. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The intruder appeared above her, wearing a cheap Ghost Face mask. The gun hung loosely in her hands. The intruders build was strong but small. If Delia hadn't been shot, she could probably take her. Thomas had to have heard the gunshot even if the phone was disconnected. Even if it hadn't he had to still be listening.. right? She prayed that Thomas had heard. "You know, you should really learn to mind your own business." The intruder said as she leaned down and started moving the hair out of Delia's face. "It's my job to not mine my own business." Delia growled through gritted teeth. "Which is exactly why you're laying on your floor right now with a bullet in your stomach." The intruder mused. "Who are you?" Delia barked. The intruder laughed and shook her head. "It's not that easy. See, I shot you in a place where you have a chance of surviving. Even though I should have shot you in the head." The intruder stood back up and walked to the end of Delia's feet. "Though if I do this.." The intruder leaned down and pressed on Delia's stomach. She screamed out in pain, lifting her leg and clashing it into the intruders face resulting in the mask being knocked off. 
      It was Beatrice's secret girlfriend.

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