Chpt1, Hendra break up

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My name is Rhia. Rhia Reinhart. I'm 13 and I am in a group of the best people you will ever meet. My besties know me better than I do... most of the time. But I will do anything to help them. I would risk my life for them.
Seventh grade starts in eight minutes. I'm wearing a cute pair of floral Taylor Swift Canvas Converse that I created, and Skinny Jeans from Justice. I'm wearing a blue plaid and green plaid and pink plaid braided bracelet, my medium length blonde hair was up in a ponytail, like usual, resting against my imagine dragons TShirt. I'm wearing red lipstick from wet n wild, and lots of wet n wild water proof mascara on my curled lashes above my Mood changing Blue/ green eyes. Damn. I spent to much time fixing my makeup I forgot about my first day back!
"Rhia!" My mother shouts, "Get down here!" I look at my iPhone 5c and check the time; 7:50 a.m. I rush downstairs after a minute and grab my orange Tiger print backpack. At 8:00 a.m we get let inside the school and all of us rush to our new homerooms.
"Welcome students!" I look up to see who must be my new teacher for Homeroom. She must be a Math teacher, because I see a ton of Math stuff on the walls.
"Hey! Reeda!" Ellen and Andre say simultaneously. YES! They are in my Homeroom!
"Re!" Kat yells at me. All of my besties are here. Even Sofia and Safya. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time... Because I see that in the corner, Henry and Sandra are really chatting it up. So much about Not Dating. pfffffft. I roll my eyes at the sight to make it look like I'm not jealous. Buy apparently I have been really freaked out, because Ellen and Andre are shaking me.
"Rhia! Bruh! Wake the hell up!" Ellen exclaims.
"Yeah, dosed off looking at Henry again?" Andre teases.
"No... I just... he belongs with meeee he belongs with me." I sing, it makes sense. How am I supposed to make it an our without referencing T Swizz?
"Yeah... ohkayyyy..." Ellen mutters under her breath, as if I can't hear her.
"Dude, bell!" Brenda says, escorting me to the door. I love this school so much. I missed it.
"Blare! Amanda! Chad!" We yell (Ellen, Brenda and I do).
"We missed you!" Blare says to us, but manly to Sandra. Blare and Sandra have been BFFs since Sandra moved here. I guess that's a good thing.
"You guys are... ew...." Chad recognizes that Hendra, their ship, has sailed. :(
"Yeah." Henry looks at Sandra, with his arm around her, and gives her a tiny kiss.
"Ewww......" we say, but I just can't un see that. I wish u could. I want THEM to be over, I have loved Henry since last January. I always will.
"Yeah... I definitely am never leaving this lovely lady alone." Henry explains.
I feel like crying right now. My stomach aches because of them. I wished I was his first kiss.
"FLUFFFFFF!" Fiona yells. We always call her that. To her side, she has Veronica and Ella who are jumping up and down in excitement. Sara jumps behind them as if performing a random ice skating move. Raphael is standing next to Veronica, who seemed happy she was there.
"Ewwwwwwwwww." Ella says, looking around the corner at Henry and Sandra.
"That's disgusting. You guys c'mon." Kavrin says, talking directly to Sandra looking disappointed.
Henry and Sanya pull back, giggling. This horrified me.
"Sup shawty!" Cam smirks at Kavrin. Kav giggles a little bit and winks at Cam.
"Dude. I thought you hated boys." I explain.
"I do. He is sooooo infected with cuties... I mean COOTIES!" She shrieks.
Sky walks past glaring at Cam for hitting on his ex.
"Sky, chill. you still have me!" Brittany says, chasing after Sky and making him run for dear life.
Somebody greets me with a hug. and another. Ally! And Dana! Yay!
"Hay gurl!" Dana Manages to yell over everything going on around us. "We missed you!"
"I didn't know you where friends with each other." I point at Ally and Dana.
"We are. may we join your friend party?" They ask.
I look over at Henry who is talking to Sandra, but this time he looks serious.
"Can't........Sorry.......Bye...." I struggle to hear Sandra say.
I look over to see that nobody else is watching.
"Are you okay?" I ask Henry, trying to look puzzled.
"No." He stammers.
I rush him to the empty hallway of lockers.
"What?" He looks stumped.
"I know she dumped you." I explain.
"Yeah. on the first day."
"I know how you feel. people screw up. One minute, happy. Other minute, angry." I tell him, watching him look up.
I grab his arms with no regrets and my lips smack onto his, only for a second, I pull back and wait for a response.
"Um... I... Wow." He struggles.
I smirk, he does to.
"OH!" Brenda and Ally say, making kissy faces. Henry looks concerned, sad, and amused at me, and I run grinning and hug my sketch pad on the ground near my friends. (yes I've been holding it the entire time).

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