Christmas Sleepover part Uno!

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"Rhia, you ready to go?" My mom calls.
"Yeah! One sec-" I shuffle under my bed for my new Polaroid.
I rush downstairs with my heavy bag.
"Let's go!" My mom locks the door and we get into the car.
"Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader, she is always right there when I need her." Cheerleader began in the radio.
"This is an old song." I say, looking for my phone.
"Yeah, we're here." My mom stops the car... Kat and I live 2 minutes away.
"Bye mom! I love you!" I depart, running up to Kat's porch.
"Hey Batch!" She greets.
"Hey Biatch!" I greet.
"Hot Chocolate?" Kat asks cautiously, just in case I was o- never damn mind.
"Sure. I think..." I look at my red onesie with snowflakes. "Yup! I can have it." I snatch the hot chocolate from her and create a mustache.
"You're the first one here." She says, putting my hood over my face.
"I kn-" I get cut off by the doorbell.
"REEEEEEEEEEDDIOUUUSS!" Ellen busts through the door, holding a tiny bag.
"Dude, where's your stuff?" Kat asks, looking at the small bag.
Ellen points at the bag.
"Dayumn. You have problems." Kat and I explain simultaneously.
"Yeah." Ellen laughs as the bell rings again.
"Hey!" Sandra busts in with Fiona and Kav. They all had matching purple Vera Bradley bags.
"Well shit. I didn't know you were all triplets!" Kat cackles.
I punch her in the upper arm.
"Ow! What the fffff-" Kat starts, looking at Kav, "Farooqi!" She finishes, keeping it clean.
"Ding dong!" Sandra mimics the bell.
"No! Oh god no! The boys are here!" Ellen dreads.
"Why's that a bad thing?" Henry laughs, looking at me.
Butterflies shot in my stomach like fireworks.
"It's n-not." I manage, stumbling upon my words.
"Of course." He swaggers over to the leather couch and sits down like a rich person, and breaks out laughing.
"What the actual hell was that?" Kat stares, raising an unpleased eyebrow.
"I was being the sim you made. Remember? 'Henry the flaming homosexual'?" Henry says, flashing Kat a bitchy smile.
"Don't be a smart ass!" Kat smacks his arm.
"Kat! No cursing in front of me!" Kat's mom, Christie scolds.
"But you let Alex curse!" Kat shoots back.
"'Slut' isn't a curse word, it's just not nice." Mrs. Wile sasses.
We all laugh at the comeback.


Once everyone is here, we all sit on the floor, drinking hot chocolate.
"WEEEEEE!" Brenda jumps onto the couch once she finished her cocoa.
Chad smirks and cannonballs onto her back, leading us to do the same, Henry sitting on top.
"Gtf off of me!" I push Henry to the floor, making us loose balance and fall to the floor.
He flips us off and crawls out of the pile of teens.
"Haha bitches!" He grabs me and Alex from the bottom and runs downstairs with us.
"Um, ow!" I remark.
"What now Drama Queen?" Alex chuckles.
"Henry, your grip is awfully tight, you know that?" I say, looking at my red wrists.
"We're coming down!" Sandra screams.
"Shit- we have to hide!" Alex says, leading us to his older brother's closet.
"Why are there beer bott-" Henry starts.
"Irish." Alex cuts him off in a whisper.
"Where are they?" Kat says suspiciously, like she heard us talking.
I shoot a scared look at Henry, who was behind a pile of clothes, we do the same.
"Aha- wait, what?" Kat opens the closest, clearly not seeing us.
"Where would they be?" Sandra sighs, plopping on their brother's bed.
"You aren't even going to try to look?" Brenda flings the pile of clothes at Kat.
(Not our clothes, Kat's brother's clothes)
"See? They are in here, just being smart." Brenda chuckles, getting us out from the remaining mountain of clothes.
"Seriously? You're just, saying this as- a joke, right?" Ellen whimpers from her phone.
"Ellen? You okay?" Sandra comforts.
"Will just-"


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