Snowed in School

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Today it's snowing. Hard. A blizzard. Not your average blizzard, it's a huge blizzard.
Kara and I are in her mom's car driving to school... trying to drive to school anyways.
"We're here!" Her mom says, stopping the car.
"Bye mom!" Kara departed.
I thank her mother and hop out of the car.
"I love snow so much!" Kara gushes, twirling in the snow.
"Me too." I giggle and stick out my tongue trying to get snowflakes.
Got one!
"Christmas break is in four days!" Sandra hops behind us. I jump.
"THAT MEANS CHRISTMAS IS IN SIX DAYS! OH MY GOD!" Kav screams, making Sandra jump, too.
"So many people." Kara laughs, fiddling with the loose string on her Christmas sweater.
I'm wearing ripped jeggings and my autographed imagine dragons shirt... and my cute grey sweatshirt.
"Boo!" Blare and Soph run up behind us and Soph looks at my shirt.
"Oh god. The feels! THE FEELS!" Soph dramatically falls to the floor. She remembers the shirt from the AWESOME imagine dragons concert in Philadelphia last year.
"Tumblr FINALLY started working again." Kat mumbles as she walks to my side.
"Hello, morning bird." Kara says sarcastically at Kat.
Kat glares at her with a small grin turning into a laugh.
"Gawd. People on Tumblr are SUCH a-" Kat stops.
"GRASSHOLES! People on Tumblr are such grassholes." Kav cuts in.
"Uh... no." Kara cracks up.


"Attention everyone! We are being snowed in. We are sending helicopters to get your things together overnight. Please write what you would like to get. Thank you." The announcements blast.
"No!" The popular kids groan.
"Yes! Slumber Party!" All of us yell.
"Alright. Everyone take a break from the experiment and write down the things to bring. The guys will take your paper. Please write your address by the way... and they will bring the note to your parents to pack." Mrs. Rod says.
I write down everything I need and pass it to the front.

We put our stuff down in the hallway and head to the cafeteria. They bought us pizza! (Since we hate cafeteria food...)
"Let's get our usual table... I'll ask if we can push the two together..." Kat says. Ella follows Kat to ask mrs. Quartz.
"She said yeah." Ella and Kat run back panting.
"Cool." Ellen says, and runs to one of the tables.
Ellen and Kat get one, and Ella and I get the other table to push together while everyone else grabs chairs.
"Who's grabbing pizza?" Kat sprints back with a box of 24 Izzes... they're vegan 👍🏻...
I grab a pomegranate Izze and sit next to Sandra and Sara.
"Truth or dare... Rhia?" Ella asks.
"Oh no. Can we play Kiss Kill Marry?" I beg.
"Sure. Harry, Niall, Liam." Ella suggests.
"Kill Liam... sorry... Kiss Harry, and definitely marry Niall." I smile, justifying my opinion.
"Okay... Henry, Dev, and Me?" Sara jokes.
"Kill you, kiss Dev... EW. And obvi marry Henry." I fangirl over my half boyfriend.
"Why me!" Dev groans.
"Because you SUCK!" Amanda jokes, hugging her Izze... wait what?!?
Typical Amanda.
Ellen and Amanda high five and keep eating their pizza.
"At eight o'clock, Mockinjay part one will be on in the gym, Inside out will be in the cafeteria, and Elf will be in the library. If you don't want to watch a movie, you may set up your things in a hallway." Mr. Snyder announces on the speakers.
"Mockinjay everyone?" I suggest. Everyone nods. Of course, Hunger Games is my favorite series. Besides Harry Potter...
"Cool." Ella responds.

I'm sorry this took a while to update, part two will be out sometime this week. Happy July!

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