Telling Her Mother

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Brenda was dead. No doubt about it, but we still can't decipher how to tell Brenda's mom. It's already been an hour, we were standing in the park, surrounded by 3 cop cars and an ambulance. The ambulance hoisting Kav into the stretcher and wiping off her blood. One cop car was getting ready to leave with the killer, Another cop car questioning Kat and Ellen, and the other supporting Fiona and I, who were closest to Kav in sob fest.
The rest of our friends grabbed their bikes and rode off. I was on my knees shivering in the 62 degree rainy weather.
Our parents were all at home, trusting us to be home by 6:30 p.m.
It will never be the same.
Brenda was one of my closest (and I mean closest, she has no idea you have a personal bubble) friends in the entire world.
"When was the last time you had looked back at her?" The officer asked Kat. Kat was there with her face burning.
"She was riding behind the group and I was all the way in front sir. If I looked back, I would've killed the entire group." Kat snaps, looking stressed as hell.
"Hey! I brought Chad, we heard." Henry says, sounding panicked.
"Yeah. We are helping Kav into the ambulance." Fiona beams at Chad, making him look down at his blue and black Jordans.
Henry gives me a worried glance and runs to the police officer asking Kat stressful questions.
"I'll take it from here." Henry tells the officer.
"Okay. Do you know Brenda Kellar?" The officer asks Henry.
"Yeah. She's 13." Henry says, looking concerned at Kav, then focusing again on the officer.
We finish the cops survey and sprint over to Kavrin, who's been lying, sprawling out on the stretcher, covered in wiped up dry blood. She seemed devastated, still looking back at where Brenda had lay, where she tried to save Brenda's last moments.
"Guys, did anyone tell Jeffery and Mrs. and Mr. Keller?" Chad says, soaked with the heavy downpour.
"Uh... no?" Fiona guesses.
"Crap. Who has their phone with them?" Chad replies quickly.
"I do." I manage to escape from my trembling lips.
"I kn-know the n-n-numb-ber." Kav stutters. She was breathing heavily through her allergy filled nose.
Goddammit Fall! Why must you bring allergies!
"Great." Henry says, grabbing my iPhone 5c and typing in the numbers.
"H-hello?" I say, waiting for a reply.
"Hi! Mrs. Keller here, how may I help you?" Mrs. Keller replies immediately and worriedly.
"Uh, it's Brenda. Come to the park by take 5. A.S.A.P!" I panicked.
"A-alright. I'll be over in five." She hangs up after a cut off cry from Jeffery.
"She's coming." I tell the group of Chad, Henry, Kavrin, and Fiona, who all look worried.
Brenda's mother arrives almost right after she hung up, going super fast.
She runs up with smeared mascara and puts her hand on my shoulder.
"You called, r-right?" Mrs. Keller's voice sounded wobbly, like she hadn't finished crying yet.
"Yeah. She, uh... Kav?" I pass on my loss for words to Kav, who won't speak either.
"Is d-dead." Fiona lets out a single tear, it's like she has no tears left to cry.
"NO!" Mrs. Keller screams, making Chad and Henry jump back and look at each other in surprise.
"Guys?" Kav calls excitedly.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Look." She points over to the stretcher Brenda is on.
"Ehmagawd. BRENDA!" I whisper scream, not wanting to startle anybody.
"My baby!" Mrs. Keller speed-walks to Brenda's stretcher.
Brenda opens an eye and struggles to sit herself up, while Mrs. Keller supports her back.
"Mom? What? OW!" Brenda says, not knowing what happened.
I look at my phone. 7:46. Crap. I dial up my mom and explain the entire thing, while Kav told Brenda what happened, the boys talked about how worried they were, and Fiona FaceTimed everyone telling them Brenda was okay-ish. After I hung up on my dad, Fiona put me on FaceTime and I showed them Brenda, who was still recovering from being "murdered."
"Hey! You're okay!" Veronica says softly, so Brenda wouldn't be affected by the loudness because she said that her head was hurting.
"Yeah." She curls her lips into a small smile, which was all she could manage.
"Hi girls. Thank you so much for calling the cops." Mrs. Keller says directly at Blare, because she dialed the cops while Sandra had dialed the ambulance earlier.
"So wait, I was attacked?" Brenda questions Soph who nods.
"Yeah, pretty bad. He threw you in the thorns, and Kav walked into the thorns to save you, but was to late." Soph explains.
"Brenda won't be in school for a few days, she needs to recover." Mrs. Keller says.
"Okay. Results: living, small concussion, and she is in minor shock. Keep her home until next week. I suggest her going to a Physical Therapist to work out any sore bones and we will take these two to the hospital." The Doctor came out from the front of the ambulance.
The ambulance leaves and everyone goes to Take 5 to settle everything. We sit by the window to spy on Chad and Fiona outside, since Amanda dumped Chad for Stan Unwritten.
"Guys look." Ellen and William point to Fiona and Chad who were kissing deeply.
"EW!" We yell.
"Gross." I laugh and glance an Henry, who is trying desperately to impress Blare with his know-it-all skills.
Why her. I guess it's because she's funny and pretty. I know why he doesn't like me, but I'll find someone.
But right now, I need to focus on Brenda and making sure she's okay. She was only slashed once in the arm, but was tossed into a thorn patch at the bottom of the 4 foot steep hill, but how cool is it that she survived? I think it's a miracle... Or a sign.

Thanks again for two hundred views! 😘 I love all of my viewers!
This chapter was so much fun to create with a lot of sadness and creativity. Please follow wooda22 Elaine_Wolochuk2 fluffysnowballs91 WoofCookie7240 APlusAppocolypse daani_mm Ella_isthebest Katsi_thekitten TheGangOfSix VictoriaCheung663 and lizkrist ! Thank you and have a nice day!

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