Snowed in School part 2

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"Prim! PRIM!" Katniss screams on screen. We are watching Mockinjay part 1 in the dark gym, sitting on pillows drinking Izzes.
"Remember when we were fangirling over this on skype in January?" Henry whisper laughs.
"Yeah. That was hilarious." I pay attention to the movie, not listening to Henry's thick voice whispering in my ear. He continues to talk throughout the movie.
"Hey, hey Henry." I say, poking Henry's bony shoulder blade.
"What?" He looks eager to hear what I have to say.
"Stop moving the flaps you call your lips and watch the freaking movie." I smack his right arm, getting him to stop bugging me.
"Fine." He shifts in his seat and holds my hand and squeezes it after every loud sound. I think he's afraid.
"See, this is why you would be faction less." I tease, remembering his Sagittarius "Divergent" horoscopes.
"Why?" He whispers, his cute puzzled face being lit up by the movie.
"You are scared." I make fun of him, after all he gets cute when he's mad.
"Am not..." He looks down, and then up at the screen. This is the part when they break in to save their friends.
"You are." I grip his shaking hand.
"Stop it! I'm not! Watch the stupid movie!" He searches for an excuse.


"Kat?" I whisper.
"What." She orders.
"I'm stuck." I say, not wanting to get up from the gym floor.
"No your not! Get up!" Kat laughs.
"Ugh." I lift myself off the wooden floor.
"Let's go." Kat and I race back to the hallway near us.
"Which room do we want?" Kat asks.
"A101. Whitmore's old room." I order, since it has carpet.
"Yay!" Me, Dev, Stan, and Fasha jump up and down. We all had Whitmore.
"Remember when we won the female World Cup?" Fasha asks, running around the room.
"Yeah. You didn't care." I say, our friends yelling "Burn" at Fasha, who- during the World Cup- was outside watching PLL. Stupid PLL.
"So... Who goes where?" Sandra questions. Kat and I race under the desk.
"Ha! I was here first." Kat sprawls out under the desk.
"Ugh! Fine. I'm next to the desk." I sit next to the desk, while Kav belly flops by our feet.
"I'm sitting here." Kav demands.
"Okay. But are you even comferta-" I get cut off by Kav.
"Hisssssssss!" Kav hisses, looking uncomfortable.
"Okay! Okay okay okay! Jeez!" I put my hands up, defensively.
"This was better than any snow day ever." Kat smiles.

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