⊹ 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮

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The beginning of it all.

𝓑- orn to be alone and growing up as an orphan; I chose to follow the path of becoming a sword wielder on this earth despite being a woman. Being raised by my master, Takeda Isami, I grew up adamant on becoming the best swordsman.

Master Takeda avowed to me that I was found by his older students when I was a mere infant - wrapped in a thin cloth as I weeped from hunger. They were not sure what to do and so they took me to their master, and claimed to have taken me from a house standing by the shore. The house known as the grave of dawn, the Minamoto's household - where a family was wiped out by assassins of the world government. According to rumors, those cold blooded dogs of the government did not hesitate to shoot even the children.

In this lifetime, I have trained and trained, yet all my hard work is never acknowledged - as I am a woman wielding a sword. Hence the way I turned out to be - arrogant and condescending; that was also what I have always been told I am. Cold hearted and nonchalant - is always how people describe me at first sight.

"If the world does not accept me as a swordsman then to the heavens I swear that I will turn this world upside down." I clutch my sword as I hold my gaze upon my mother's grave.

Although I have never known her face, I knew she was a great warrior - even if the world tried to hide her name; I would never allow it to disappear in vain. Therefore I, Minamoto [Y/N], will carry on my family's name and rise to the very top of this male dominated era. I will continue rising, until I have defeated the powerful who throne higher than the rest, my name will reach heaven itself.

Hot weather, sweaty skin, and a heavy sword in hand. [Y/N] pants heavily, wet hair sticking to her face as a result of her hard training.

"[Y/N] that's enough for the day!" her master, Takeda Isami, exclaims, waving a hand at her to come closer.

"But sir-!" [Y/N] attempts to speak.

"No buts, you've been at it for too long. Everyone has gone home while you're swinging here."

Her master's words were absolute and she could never fight back. [Y/N] sighs as she sheathes her sword safely and follows her master.

Walking through the school's warm corridors, [Y/N] winces at the burn along the gurgle of her empty stomach. Takeda glances over his shoulder, "so careless. A great swordsman should never forget to take care of their body!" he reprimands.

"I'm sorry, sir! I was just too caught up in training..." [Y/N] sheepishly rubs the back of her head, looking at the ground in shame.

Upon reaching her master's office, they step inside; the delicious aroma of curry and rice wafting into her nose. [Y/N]'s mouth is filled with drool, drool that she almost chokes on when swallowing. Takeda chuckles, "the others told me that you haven't eaten so I saved some for you," he inches closer to his table and takes a seat on the tatami cushion. [Y/N] follows with taking a seat, puppy eyes sparkling at her beloved master who never fails to look after her.

"Go ahead and eat, you are starving and I'm not planning on getting eaten alive by you," Takeda jokes, making her blink rapidly in confusion.

As [Y/N] hurriedly munches on the tasty meal, Takeda crosses his arms and closes his eyes shut. "If you have something to tell me then say it because I don't like it when you act shy, sir," [Y/N] hisses as she swallows down her rice.

Takeda looks at her with a hint of surprise on his face, but he is quick to return back to normal.

"You and your mouth," Takeda chortles, "I was thinking...you are a great swordsman, but [Y/N]-"

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