⑥ 𝓦𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓷

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New people, new tattoo, and a new story to hear. The wanted man is one interesting bastard.

"𝓦-hy are you being weird?"

"What do you mean?"

"You...you keep looking at my hair."

"Oh...it's got my attention for some reason."

"Because of the color?"

"I guess so."


"So what do you people do in here?" [Y/N] quirks a brow at the men.

"We normally fuck around and work on art..." A shy one speaks, seeming around the same age as [Y/N].

[Y/N] nods, she leans to rest her elbows on her thighs before saying, "cool, is your art always that ugly or...?"

The discourteous question causes a series of offended growls and angry glares.

"It may look ugly from a distance but it really is some professional work!" The boy exclaims, straightening his posture as he grabs a book and walks to her. "Look at this! These guys are amazing."

The sweet smile he wears makes [Y/N] feel bad about her attitude. She reluctantly grabs the book and starts looking through plenty of art, each design had a name next to it, she figured they were drawn by those named men.

Fighting the urge to spit out unnecessary insults that were absolutely nothing like her thoughts of awe — she closes the book and gives them a hesitant grin.

"You guys are great, nice art. Also did you actually agree with me?"

The boy freezes, his shoulders shook lightly as he sighs. [Y/N]'s surprise was easily written on her face when the boy's snort was followed by a bunch of gruff laughter from all over the shop.

"I mean, it does look ugly from far, does it not?" He looks around at his friends.

"Yeah! It totally freaks me out when I see myself in the reflection of other shops in the distance. I can never get used to this shit, 'always catches me off guard."

The lanky man from earlier stands, his eyes nervously scanning the place, almost as if he was unsure about the situation, or why his friends were talking normally to the girl.

"Abdo, get your ass out of here. That shit wasn't manly at all," a man with a thick black beard says. He grabs Abdo, the lanky man, by the bicep and slams his fist into his face, then lets him go; he rolls on his side as he clutches his face in horror before running out of the shop.

"That bastard joined us a week ago, he doesn't know shit about manliness, so please don't mind him," he rubs his beards, "would you like something to drink? We got coffee, tea, booze, and water," he adds.

"Juice?" [Y/N] asks.

"...Juice?" He looks around, uncertain of the answer, but his gaze lands on one of the guys; within a second, the guy is swiftly making his way between the men before he is out and running in the rain. "Your juice will be here in a minute," he smiles, "I am Hans, and these guys are uhh...you don't needa' know them. What's your name, girl?"

[Y/N] looks at him with raised brows, "Minamoto," she firmly spoke.

"First or last name?"


"I see," Hans scratches his beard, "well, do you wanna get inked? Or are you a coward?" He smirks, eyes burning challengingly.

"I already have one," she rolls her eyes, "but give me a simple one if you will. I am too pretty to have some ugly shit pierced under my skin forever." She smirks.

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