⑨ 𝓐𝓵𝓪𝓫𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓪'𝓼 𝓓𝓻𝔂𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼

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Landing on Alabasta must be the worst thing that [Y/N] decided to do. Now she is stuck with babysitting a little boy, and she is unable to turn a blind eye to whatever his problem might be. Unbeknownst to her, she is also being watched by certain, dangerous people.

𝓣-he ship crossed Reverse Mountain safely, an amusingly large whale cries as its gaze follows the people on the ship. The men seemed more lax than a few minutes prior, some gathered around Marco, some went back to work.

[Y/N] is still puzzled at the situation, her eyes go from Zeke and back to Marco—rapidly blinking as her fingers tighten around the hilt of her sword. "What the fuck is going on here?" She asks for the second time.

Zeke snickers against the back of his hand, when he attempts to explain, he is cut off by Marco.

"Pops heard about you four years ago from Zeke, I'm curious on how you beat the red-haired emperor when you were that young?" Marco peers sideways at [Y/N] with a smile on his lips.

"Don't change the subject, bird," she mutters through gritted teeth, it makes Zeke gasp, but Marco cackles lightly.

"Listen here, young lady—!"

"It's alright, Zeke. And actually, she's not wrong. I am a bird!" Marco waves his right wing at Zeke, a wide grin stretched on his lips.

[Y/N] says, her jaws clenching as she eyes the grin on Marco. "You're changing the subject again," she hisses.

"Oh look at you catching up on my tricks!" Marco's giggles turned into laughter, he sighs as he quiets down. "I'm afraid I can't tell you anything. I mean, no offense but you were never included in our plan." His gaze traverses her countenance, "but maybe...maybe pops will give the orders once he sees you."

"None taken. Who is this 'pops' of yours?" [Y/N] ask, placing her hands on her hips as she narrows her gaze at Marco.

Zeke snorts at Marco's dumbfounded expression, "she doesn't know much about the world, don't be too surprised," he says.

"Hey!" [Y/N] snarls.

"Ah, that makes sense." Marco fixes his glasses as he smiles. "Pops is our captain, whitebeard. I'm sure you'll hear about him more often from now on," Marco says.

"So why are these people," [Y/N] points with her arms at the ship, "undercover or something. What even is going on?" She crosses her arms, glaring at both men.

"Uh, I can't give details, but just know that it's a secret mission." Marco returns to his human form, he wipes a hand over his hair, then places his palm around his jaw as he rubs his stubble. "I trust that you're not the type of person to start problems with authorities if it means that your life's on the line."

His gaze...is threatening.

[Y/N] swallows thickly, yet she keeps the intense eye contact with him.

"Which authorities are we talking about?" She glares at him.

Marco snorts, "the Navy."

"Are you selling illegal weapons?" [Y/N] suddenly asks.

Zeke and Marco glance at each other before turning back to her.

"What?" [Y/N] questions, blinking rapidly in confusion. She is taken back when the two of them burst into laughter.

"Pops is gonna love her," Marco says between broken laughter.

[Y/N] tuts at them, stomping her foot on the floor as she wraps a hand around her sword. Before she could make any movement, a voice interrupts the three of them.

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