① 𝓞𝓷𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓾 𝓚𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓪

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[Y/N] is forced to leave her home island, and in the middle of the sea, she encounters the vicious pirate known as...

"𝓢-kull tattoo...?"

"Yeah man, like who the hell tattoos an infant?!"

"Zoro, do you even know...what that means?"

"Uh? No, why?"

"Never mind...never mind."


I jumped awake, startled by a loud bang on my door.

"[Y/N] wakeup! Open the door!!" Master Takeda yells in his panicked voice as he continues banging his fist on the door.

I frown, confusion taking over my dazed and tired state, but I hurry to the door and open it.

Master Takeda's face was glistening with sweat, his eyes were bloodshot red. He grabs my shoulders harshly and yells, "quick! You have to leave this island before they find you!!"

"Master, what are you talking about-"

"Leave this damn island!! Here," his hands rummage through his pockets, taking out a stack of money.

"Sir-" I push his hands away as he tries handing me the money, my anxiousness begins bubbling hot in my stomach.

"Do not argue with me, please. Just trust me and do as I say." He grabs my wrist and drags me with him through the corridors.

I struggled trying to keep up with his speed, but soon we were out of the dorms. Master Takeda kept pulling me with him until we reached the docks, a merchant's ship seemed to be ready to sail.

The merchants were loud as they rushed around the deck, I noticed a few of the men waving at my master, and I felt my heart sink to my stomach.

"No, nonono!" I attempted to pull away from him but his iron-like grip wouldn't budge.

"[Y/N], there is no time for this!!" He waves for the men to come off the ship.

"What are you doing?! I don't understand what's going on, sir! I'm sorry if I made you angry but please let me stay with you-!"

My words are cut off as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Trust no one, let your name be known to the world and make both of us proud," he whispers into my hair before letting me go. Tears welled in my eyes, and I broke into a sobbing mess as two of the merchants grabbed each of my arms.

Master Takeda's eyes fill up with tears, but he quickly wipes them, refusing to let that be the last thing I see.

My voice breaks when I scream, choking on my own tears while I watch my master become nothing but a tiny dot as the ship sails away.

Later that day, [Y/N] learned that the entirety of Shimotsuki village was under investigation by the black cage corps, led by captain Hina, who was coincidentally accompanied by Smoker.

Takeda's face was all over the news, and false information was spread all over the seas; he was accused of selling illegal weapons. He was taken away by the marines and sent to prison on a neighboring island, where he was most likely going to spend half of his life.

[Y/N]'s blank eyes stared at the text, the noise on deck was muted in the back of her mind as she replayed her master's words.

She is startled when a gruff voice speaks, " hey kid, lunch is ready, come." A bearded man snatches the newspaper from her hand.

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