①⓪ 𝓢𝓲𝓻 𝓦𝓱𝓸?

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It seems that [Y/N] can't stop herself from getting involved in other people's problems. Now she finds herself face to face with a dangerous man, and accepts the offer of making a crazy amount of money off of tips alone in two days only by working in his casino just for the sake of the little boy.

"I'm afraid you won't find her there."

[Y/N] tuts when she turns to face the owner of the voice. She places her hand atop of Marwan's head as her scrutinizing gaze traverses the woman before her.

"And who are you?" [Y/N] questions as she raises a brow.

The woman chortles lightly, she raises her foot behind her and taps her toes on the ground. Blue eyes glowing with intrigue when she gazes at [Y/N]'s unbothered countenance.

"Call me Miss All Sunday. Can I get your name?"

[Y/N] clicks her tongue, she chuckles as if the woman was ridiculous. "I don't remember asking for a name. I asked who you are supposed to be, as in, why are you interrupting us?"

Miss All Sunday giggles, she folds her right arm as she places her elbow against her hip. Her lips twist into a smirk as her fingers swirl in the air.

Miss All Sunday tilts her head to the side, she catches Marwan's trembling gaze and smiles. "Do you know who owns this place?"

[Y/N]'s top lip twitches into a frown. "Do I have to know?"

"Hm, I guess not. But certainly, it would've been helpful if you knew before stepping a foot in here." She grins. "Let's say this is my way of being nice."

Marwan looks between the two, he slowly backs away and hides half his body behind his protector. [Y/N]'s chin tilts down, her eyes narrowing into a cold glare that meant serious talk.

Miss All Sunday is briefly surprised when she notices the change in [Y/N]'s features.

"Are you threatening me?" [Y/N] asks.

"Oh, is that how it sounded to you? Well my apologies, I didn't intend that," the woman let out a small laugh, "If you would come with me, I could share with you all that you need to know about his mother."

[Y/N]'s face lightens up for a moment, but before she could respond—Marwan tugs at her shirt and shakes his head.

Miss All Sunday clicks her heel as she sways her hips to the side, tilting her head as she gives them an empty smile and cold glare. "The boy has no opinion in this matter," she says.

[Y/N] ruffles Marwan's hair, giving him a soft smile before taking his hand in hers.

"So children's opinions don't matter these days?"

"They never mattered to begin with."

"Sad world." [Y/N] says.

"I agree." The lady smiles.

"Let's go?"

The three walked through the endless hallways, silence is not really there because of the loud music reverberating everywhere.

Miss All Sunday finally halts before two huge doors, she glances over her shoulder—only to catch an extremely bored expression on the younger girl's face. It makes her smile a bit before she pushes the right door open, she nods her head—silently welcoming the swordsman and the kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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