④ 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓯𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓬𝓻𝓪𝔃𝔂

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[Y/N]'s arrival at Baratie starts with her tasting the delicious food of their crazy cooks, and ends with making her first real enemy.

"𝓐-re you leaving the town?"


"To where?"

"To the end of the world maybe."

"Will you spar with me there?"

"Of course."


Bored eyes peered through long lashes, [Y/N] watched the two old friends greet each other with their unique high-fives and complicated finger twists—she didn't understand the what's the point of all that hand work.

"And who is that young girl?"

[Y/N] zones onto Zeff's long and braided mustache— she thought it looked interesting.

"Hey, quit staring!" Zeke pats her on the back, almost harshly, but he quickly retracted when he caught the glare from his friend. He laughs nervously, "she is a student of another friend of mine, [Y/N]." Zeke pokes a finger into her back, causing her to send him a glare.

"I'm [Y/N], why is your mustache so stiff?"

"Hey-!!" Zeke's shocked voice is interrupted by Zeff's loud laughter. He turns to look at Zeff with most apologetic embarrassment, Zeke's features soften as he lightly laughs along.

"I like her, she's a humorous one." Zeff wipes the corner of his eye from the small tears that formed with his harsh laughter.

"I wasn't trying to be funny though...?" [Y/N] looks between the two old men.

"Really?! I like you even more now!!" Zeff's shoulders shook as he howled with laughter again. "Alright, my boys are gonna help get our stuff. Don't want ya wasting time on little ol' me."

Zeke gasps with faux offense, "and here I thought my dear friend would treat me to lunch," he utters.

Zeff's eyes harden, a rough hand grabs Zeke's shoulder and in a blink—his leg is raised high and brutally slams against Zeke's face.

[Y/N] scratches her head sheepishly, not knowing what the hell just happened.

"Bastard, do you have money?"

"Are you gonna make your dear friend pay for some food?"

Another kick lands on his side, hurling him against the wall and he falls to his knees— clutching his aching side. "Of course I will. I am only treating [Y/N] to whatever she wants from my menu!"

"Really?!" [Y/N]'s sudden voice makes Zeff's neck snap with surprise.

"Of course! C'mon now, let's go inside."

Zeff sniggers at Zeke's offended gasp as he assures the young girl into his pride and joy of a restaurant.

"Order whatever you want, it's all free for you," Zeff announces loud enough for his chefs to hear. He guides [Y/N] to a table in the corner, next to a large window that shows the gorgeous view of the sea; her eyes follow the colorful school of fish traveling together in the clear, blue sea.

After sitting with Zeke for a few minutes, the two awaited their food as the older gentleman kept attempting to keep up a conversation with what felt like a damn wall, a.k.a [Y/N] — who was continuously dodging questions about her personal life and only exchanging very simple replies to his extra long sentences.

The restaurant boomed with deep voices of those who had made it down the ship to have a meal.

"Here for the mademoiselle!" A sudden voice squeaked.

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