⑤ 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓛𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮𝓽𝓸𝔀𝓷

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Loguetown's in sight, [Y/N] learns about Zeke's problems with Onimaru Konitsuna, and experiences the first breath of freedom.

"𝓨-ou did nothing wrong, okay? Don't cry, please wipe your tears. None of this is your fault."

I stare at the blurry face of a woman with a small girl in front of her, her hands cup the girl's face as she wiped away the endless tears on her face. Words of kindness and affirmation, a mother's despair rolling off of the tip of her tongue. She firmly pulls the girl by the sides of her face, bringing her into a tight hug to muffle out the girl's cries.

"Oh my baby, I know it was scary and I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you sooner." The woman cries, her hand rests on the back of the girl's head and her other arm wraps around her back — squeezing the girl into her embrace.

A bombastic explosion makes me jump in my own skin, and as I turn around, I am met with a terrifying image playing before me.


"Boss! Loguetown is in sight."


"Great, prepare to dock. Tell group A and B to get ready, we can't spend more than two days there," Zeke orders.

"Yes, sir!"

My eyes slowly flutter open, blinking uncomfortably as my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight.

"Where the fuck am I...?" I mumble, my brows furrow when I look around — not recognizing the place.

"Good morning to you too." Zeke rolls his eyes, he puts down the cup of coffee on the wooden table. Fixing a leg over the other, "we are on the upper deck's watch tower," he speaks.

"Why?" I ask, raising a brow with confusion written all over my face.

"Did you hit your head or something?" Zeke scoffs. "You were going to beat up my men because they didn't let you climb here, and when I came to see what the noise was all about — you threatened to snap my neck if I didn't tell them to 'fuck off." He huffs, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"Liar, I don't believe you." I fold my arms against my chest, sending him a doubtful glare.

"Believe what you want," he sighs as he stands, "let's go, Loguetown is close."

Despite the words I wished to fire back, I quietly followed him — after making sure my sword was still intact, of course. Walking down the spiral stairs, my gaze falls upon the dockyard, the wind hits my skin softer than before as the ship begins to slow down.

"What did you say you'll be doing here?" I scratch my brow, looking down at the narrow steps.

"The men have been sorted into groups and were given missions to do," Zeke waves back at one of the new boys, "you are not a worker, so go do whatever you want. If you cause trouble in town I'll cross the grandline without you, and yes that's a threat."

My lip twitches at his words, and I fight back with every ounce of my self control to not kick him down the stairs. "Thanks, I'll make sure to not cause any trouble. Don't worry," I say.

Zeke halts, he sends a glare over his shoulder before continuing.

As soon as the men started moving with their assigned groups, [Y/N] couldn't help the excitement that surged through her like a sugar rush. She felt alien, everything was different, and new to her. None was like the years she spent training in the woods with Touya.

Her fingers tighten around the hilt of her sword as a smile graces her face.

A step after another, she walked into the town; standing before her was the sign that read 'Loguetown.' [Y/N]'s lips twisted into a smirk, she passed under the sign; her head turned in every direction as her scrutinizing gaze fell upon the first bar in sight. She hurries past the crowd that began forming around a fight between two drunken men, she slams the doors open and quickly grabs a seat next to a black haired girl.

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