⑧ 𝓣𝓸 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮!

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dreams that are too realistic, they burn one's heart with deep emotions. [Y/N] realizes a new weakness in her, and it immediately changes her. To cross the Grandline, you must be prepared for perilous adventures and their consequences.

𝓕-ire grew with more aggression as the wind howled, there was heat on my skin, and it burned me resentfully. There was nothing left but piles of lifeless bodies. Hundreds of blades stood, dug into the grounds as they leaned into their dead owners—it almost seems as if they had a sad soul of their own. An explosion after the other, the ground shook as the earth rumbled.

It is hell on earth, a man made hell.

There was a hand, it was shaky as it reached out to hold me weakly—I stiffened at the familiar touch. A soft, quivering voice of a woman spoke, "My strong little girl, I am so proud of you, and for all that you've done for our family. I am so sorry, but I can't let every last one of us die."

Her fingers pressed against my chest, right where my heart rested behind my ribcage, I gasped in horror as she swiftly pushed two of her fingers deeply to touch my heart.

"By the blade we live, and by our morals we die. From the depths of this earth, shall the soul be reborn."

A light emits from the bloody hole in my chest, I try to pull her hand away, but to no avail—I black out.


Mixed up noises of men and cargo clashing together woke me up, I groggily blinked at the men who continued walking in front of me.

"These fucking pirates, man! I wish the marines would get them all already, I am so over having to fight for my life just because a bastard wants to find the One Piece."

I silently stare as I listen to the men complain while going back and forth with cargo. Unable to recall how I even made it back to the ship, I didn't notice the frown that had formed on my face when staring hard at the floor.

"Good morning," Zeke's voice interrupts my thoughts. "We are leaving earlier than expected, I didn't realize how eager the new men were to make it past the grandline." He chuckles.

"Mh," I hummed mindlessly without looking at him.

"So who won?" He suddenly asks.

I turn to give him a puzzled look and he chortles.

"I heard there was a fight with Trafalgar Law, I already knew you were involved."

Rolling my eyes, I ask, "and how did you 'already' know that it was me?"

Zeke looks taken back by the question, it makes me narrow my eyes at him.

"Uhh, I don't know, just a strong feeling." Zeke grins brightly, there is pride on his face.

I only nod at him, my lashes lower softly for my eyes to be more neutral as I watch blurry faces pass by. My shoulders are down, and so are the corners of my lips, my face is blank as I mindlessly scrutinize the busy ship—everyone was in a hurry.

"What's with you?" Zeke asks, his arms are against his chest and he glances at me with the corner of his eyes.

His voice is heard like a whisper passing through one ear and out of the other, I don't answer.

Zeke sighs, "listen, if your menstrual cycle is close just let me know. I am sure I've got stuff for you—"

"Why is that the first thing you think about, stupid old man," I spit out, it's more aggressive than I thought it would be.

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