Thirteen Days Until Christmas

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Holidays. A few times a year where families gather around and act as if they give an ounce of appreciation for one another. They're all there just to save face and gossip about each other's children, just so they have something to post on Facebook about how their 'little nephew is growing up so fast' or how 'auntie had the cutest dress on'. Once it's over they return to shove one another into the mud. Why bother when you know it's all just going to drink up not only your social battery, and your mental health, but also your hard-earned money? Sure, people say, "it's not about the gifts, but the thought counts." but as soon as you show up with a cheap twenty-dollar gift card to sonic or chick-fil-a, it's, "Oh isn't this a little too generic? You can give anyone this. There's no thought into this present. You didn't even wrap it." Just be happy I decided to show up ok.

This year was going to be different. It just had to be different. Someone can't possibly stand doing the same routine every year for who knows how long, with the same results. It's almost like it's a science experiment. See how long it takes for someone to finally give up after living the same way year after year. Wake up, go to school, go to work, go home, sleep, repeat. When holidays get thrown into the mix it becomes; Wake up, go to work, go to the store, go home, sleep, repeat, until you find a gift for each one of the uncared-for humans surrounding you for the rest of your life. Holidays. What fun.

"YN, Mom said to wake you up. You better get down there soon. She is still upset that you didn't want to set up a tree with us. She might be angrier now that she knows you also didn't put one up in your own house." Your little brother explained as he stood in the doorway, hanging off the doorknob.

"How did you even get into my house? And why does it matter? It's too much work." You say as you rub your eye and pull up your tank top. While it may be freezing outside, you'd be surprised how hot it can get in your tiny apartment. Shifting in the bed caused the springs to groan in protest and steal the uneasy silence in the room. Stomping could be heard from the hallway as your mother made her way through the apartment.

"YN, the state of this house is unacceptable. You have no-'' Mom's words were cut off with a gasp, "Your room, It's a mess! What in the world has gotten into you?" signing, you sat up and turned to have your legs dangling off the bed. Before you go to stand up to change out of your PJs you stretch back causing your back to pop and your chest to bulge outward. Another groan leaves your mouth as the pops travel up your lower back. Your little brother laughs as your mother mutters about the current state of your room. College-level biology books lay in a contained, yet chaotic pattern of disarray. Typed papers lay atop one another as colorful pens lay to the side. Their use has been past due, and should have been put back, and would have been if not for your back pain from sitting hunched over on the floor trying to play catch up on not only past assignments but studying for the upcoming EOC. Mr. Webb should have started the review about a week prior to what he did, but no one is to blame but yourself for not starting earlier. Random muted music plays from your phone as it lies charging beside the stage on English homework completed the night before.

"It's not even that bad. It is just piles of finished homework. Now leave so I can change." An added mutter under your breath includes the fact she did not live there with you, nor did she pay your bills. With a displeased jaw clench, she grabbed the slide of the door and pulled it to. It tripped Ace, who was still swinging on the door. Reaching into your folded clothes basket and grabbing a t-shirt and jeans and began running through the motions of getting ready. Change clothes, go pee, brush your hair, slip on socks and shoes, head to the bathroom once again to brush your teeth if you could, and will yourself into completing the task. It wasn't difficult, but sometimes it felt as if you just could be bothered. Those days you made sure to keep your mask on at all times during both school and work.

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