First Night... Didn't Go To Smoothly

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"Hey once we get home, what do you want to do first? Do you want to explore or help me take everything inside?" You ask as you wait at the red light. The last one on your way to the apartment complex. From there on it is just a set of unwinding roads and deer crossing signs. He doesn't say anything, just continues to look out the window. "I'll let you explore first, so that after you can tell me where you want your things. Okay?" Still doesn't reply but at least this time you got a sigh from him. He pushes himself further into his hood and tries to lean against the door, only for the seatbelt strap to hold him in place. Reaching over you removed the chest portion and wrapped it around the headrest of the seat. The light changed color, and you were on your way once again. The ride was not awkward, just kinda something happening. You had no idea what this little guy's life was like before you took from your mother's fear-inducing gaze. You as a child knew what it was like to look up at your mother, not by much of a height difference back then, but the stare was still something you were worried about to this day. Always a negative thing.

The thought of being the size of a metal water bottle, give or take a few inches, and weighing roughly the same as a concert flute, being at the end of her stare and sometimes deafening voice, just seemed to worsen tenfold. A shiver ran down your back thinking about being the perfect size for her to wrap her hand around your body and squeeze. Had he not been a Christmas gift, the little dude might have come to you with a bit more evidence of your mother's tantrums or your brother's rage-filled nights. You have your own issues with anger, but at least you don't try placing your fist through the drywall or ripping your eldest's hair from their scalp. A memory lashes out into the forefront of your mind but is quickly shoved aside as Stretch begins to mumble.

"Can't hear ya short-stack. You'll have to speak up a bit."

"How much further?" His voice was relaxed as if he was with an old friend, but his body language proved to be the opposite. He looked as if he was trying to force himself to appear calm but that just emulated his stiffness as well as his bated breath. It didn't flow naturally, but who knows if he really needed the oxygen as you did. The drive was cut short as flashing lights went off in front of you. Pulling off to the right and letting out an annoying huff of air cause your little dude to suck on his own and shift his eyes to you. Not doing much to hide the terror racing through his mind.

"Not much longer, hopefully, this will not take long. After this we just have about another 5 miles. If you want something to preoccupy your mind with I have a math problem you can work out for me. If we are only 5 miles out, how long will it take us to get there if we stay at a consistent speed of 45 miles per hour?" Reaching for your glove box was stopped when you heard a familiar tapping on your window. Rolling down the passenger side window, someone spoke up.

"Bitch break down again?"

"Yeah, I know the issue. It's the oil, but I haven't had the chance to change it out in this moving junk yard centerpiece." Danni's eyes travel down to Stretch and his hand begins reaching for him. "Eye's up here buddy." He pauses and you pop the hood. "Mind checking for me to make sure it is the oil?" Danni pulled his hand back and rolled his eyes, but made his way to the front of the Volkswagen beetle. "Be a dear and cross into the back seat while I stretch my legs. I don't want him touching you. No clue when the last time he washed his hands was." offering him a smile and giggling to yourself about your less-than-stellar dear joke seemed to calm Stretch down, even if it was only by a fraction. It was better than nothing. Stepping out you see Danni had begun walking back towards your car with some oil from his backseat.

" You need to pay more attention to your oil. When was the last time you or someone else changed it?" The thought had accrued to you that for the past six months, you had forgotten to change the oil out. "I'll do a rough job, just enough to get you home, but you need to get a better car, or Bitch here will completely break down. And you ain't my third child. Haven't gotten any tax deduction from your ass."

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