Smallest Bumps Cause The Biggest Uproar

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Trigger Warnings;

Panic attack description
mentions of self-harm

You woke up before Stretch did, so you laid him down on his bed and tucked him back in. No need to cause a fight about you holding him without his permission. "What he doesn't know won't kill him." You muttered to yourself as you walked away and closed your bedroom door. 'You ate with him last night, you'll be fine to skip.' this was repeating itself in your mind as you walked into the kitchen to set up things for Stretch's breakfast. Not sure when the little dude would wake up, you settled on just some eggs, bacon, and honey-covered blueberry pancakes.

The action of pulling them out of the freezer was interrupted as your phone began ringing irritably on the counter. Letting a huff pass through your lips before you answer the unlisted number. "Oh, so you can answer the damn phone. What could be so important that you kept your own mother waiting? Your flesh and blood YN. What if I was being shot at, or this was my final goodbye? You would have let me lose hope and die?" It's not. And even if it was she wouldn't call you. She would want it to seem like you were the worst person for not checking in on her. For not falling to her feet as Jack does. He's a good guy, just in the wrong crowd.

"Well, I don't hear gunshots, nor are you out of breath from running or bleeding out. You also are not saying any type of goodbye, so I can guess my mother will be living for another day. Good, I'm glad." a huff is heard on the other side of the phone.

"You best remember saying that. One of these days I'm not going to be around for you to treat me like this. You are going to need me and I'm going to bring this up." Shit, she's right. Thankfully that day just had to be today. You need to get the receipt for the bittie house, and if you were going to hold up your promise to Stretch, hoping it was the same place they bought him from.

"Would the receipt have his Id number?" You muttered to yourself as you began picking at your nails with your thumb.

"What was that darling?" Jack had taken the phone from your mother. Muffled swear words came through as your mother began yelling at whoever had pissed her off.

"Do you still have the receipt for the bitty house?"

"Yeah, why do you want it?"

"I'm returning the bittie house since Stretch doesn't want it, as well as buying his brother. I do have college to think about and a job. I just feel bad leaving him here without anyone to keep him company." ' And last night I heard him calling for him, but I don't want to sound creepy listening to him while he's asleep.' You thought but didn't voice the statement.

"That's smart. I'll leave the papers on the uh," a pause left an awkward silence between everyone, "the um kitchen counter for you to take once you come over." Jack waited for a second. "I'm sure she loves you too." You hadn't said anything and he paused once again. "No, I'm taking her out today, find another day. Your grandmother will be here to let you in. I'm taking her somewhere special today." A light gasp could be heard through the phone. Jack started once again, "No I can't say she is in the room. We will be leaving him here though, so if you need any help with your papers they will be on the dres-counter, the counter in the kitchen." He quickly corrected himself. Dumb ass, making everything hard on himself to help others. "Yes, we love you too, goodbye YN."

He hung up without letting you say it back.

The quick thinking of Jack's had you tasked with driving over to your mom's, dealing with Ace and your grandmother Candy, who smells like a walking, talking cigarette, and finding the receipt without them asking why you were in their bedroom. Candy already thought you were a thief when in all honesty her cigarettes were being stolen by Val, and her food stamps were being used by them when she slept. Not hard to sneak in and out when the one you have to get past sleeps like a rock and ignores your existence when it doesn't benefit her wants or needs. You've grown used to the schedule the house kept when you lived there. Maybe they still kept it; "God lets hope so."

Simply Big Boned - Undertale (bitty bone au) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now