They Said Family Fucking Matters

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Trigger warning;

Trauma and disrespect <3

The boys remained sleeping on you as you stared up at the ceiling. Headphones hardly stayed on your ear as you listened to music through one side. No one else was home, but old habits die hard. Never know when someone would start knocking on your door, or if someone wanted to confess their undying love for you by throwing rocks at your window and singing to you once you noticed them. Yeah, the latter hasn't happened, this isn't a Romeo/Juliet story.

Blue hadn't awakened when you reached to fix your falling headset. He seemed to be really drained from yesterday, and it was around four in the morning now. No one would be up without a reasonable purpose.

Would yours count as reasonable?

Sunlight hadn't broken through the window glass yet, so no need to worry over them; both knew how to take care of themselves. Their breathing could be felt. Not physically, but you could feel it. It was odd yet soft. Like your chest just knew that the boys were safe.

Spotify was just cycling through songs as you laid awake. You were waiting for something. For what you were unsure of, your body couldn't help but stay up contemplating. Something was going to happen today. Your body just knew it. It knew a lot of things, yet your brain never wanted to clue you in on what was happening. Trauma is normally what you chalked it up to, but that was too easy.

The room was still and the sounds of the neighbors were absent. With the window shut, you had no way of listening to the wind whisper to you. Some nights a cold breeze would help relax and defuse the intense feelings your family harbored in the house. Nanny used to tell you an icy breeze would freeze the negativity in a room. She explained that the reason we celebrate Christmas in winter is because of this theory. It made Christmas have more of a scientific reason compared to a tall, fat man who gave out presents because he was omnipotent, yet not a god.

Christmas was coming up soon. Three days to be exact. Oh shit. "Family photos. Fuck." You mumbled to yourself. Blue being wedged between your cheek and neck grumbled as you moved your jaw. His foot twitched from the movement coming from your mouth as you mumbled. His way of strangling you in your sleep reminded you of a cat.

Annually your family went to a mall Santa stop and took photos. Nanny started the tradition, and your mom kept it alive, but each year the same issue arises; outfits. Glancing to the left of your bed you looked into your closet. Stretch's closest sat off to the left of it. Actually looked kinda like a fun house with the size difference. His closet doors were left open too. Maybe that's why you couldn't sleep. Not the slowly growing nervousness of this bullshit you know you're going to be going through. "The boys need sweaters."

You needed to move Stretch and Blue before you could leave the bed. Last you remembered, he was sleeping on your stomach, but you know he moves around while he sleeps. As you steady your breathing, you lifted Blue away from your neck and onto your pillow. Once he was safely placed, you leaned up and saw Stretch sprawled out with his feet laying against the side of your stomach. His arms were spread wide and his soft snorting finally reached your ears as the headphones finally fell off your head.

Either the bounce of the headset woke Blue or when the headphones hit him on the side with their second landing.

He snapped into a standing position and glared around the room. Not making any sudden movements seemed like the best idea you've had since stealing him. It was cute watching this tiny man glare at each corner of the dark, quiet room. Not so cute was his battle stance. He was making it was obvious he was ready to fight.

Why is he so ready to fight?

The only light helping you was the street light from outside peeking through the cracks between the curtain and window. Without the light of the lamp outside, there would be no way you would have seen him inching into your lap. He had yet to let his guard down or say a word. "Your brother is safe," you whispered softly. The tension left his bones for a moment only for him to glance toward you. Smiling and nodding before continuing. "You're safe, and so is your brother."

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