The Rat-tical circus

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Blue's point of view.

The car ride was full of noise. My brother held my hand as we talked. The monster candy had caused me to have an influx of magic, and my well was not too happy with the overflow, but I, the magnificent Sans, can handle anything. Harmless blue magic had begun leaking from my palms, but my magnificent teal gloves did their best to hold the magic. It was causing my hands to go numb, so when Stretch noticed the increase in magic density, and the soft glow of the gloves, he took a hold of my hand to try and drain some of it out. I wonder how the human would react to our magic. They saw the tag switch, so they know we have it. Why is Stretch trying to hide the extra?

Actually, they haven't been paying attention to us since the motor vehicle began its odd purring. Even the human was purring. The music coming from the doors seemed to match their purring. Did the car react to them? Do all cars do that? "Brother, the transportation is purring with the human. Is that normal?"

"Not sure but, I have a feline that only furrari's are the only type of cars that will purr."

"Brother, I, the magnificent Blueberry, will strangle you."

"After all they 've been through to get you, you'd strangle me? Might end up a cat-astrophe."

"I hate you."

"Aw, I love you too, big bro. You know I'm just yanking your tail. I'm sure you find my puns, Hiss-tarical." As the puns progressed, a smile creeped its way onto my face. "Your smiling bro."

"I know, and I hate it.

"What are the two of you talking about?" asked the driving human. Their eyes shifted to the two of us as they spoke. Stretch just waved them off and went back to asking about the shop while he was gone. Nothing of interest happened.

"The first day you were gone, I kept bugging the cat lady. She eventually put me in solitaire for three days. I had no one to talk to, and that's probably the reason it hurt so much when we were doing the tag swap."

"You were getting fed right?"

"I was only in there for three days. Nothing too bad. The worst was sleeping alone. But the MAGNIFICENT sans could handle it." Talking in hushed voices was a bit annoying, but understandable. Every now and then, my voice would peak just for Stretch to make a shushing motion with his hand. It seemed he did not want the human to know what happened at the shop."Everything was alright. The Alligator was the one who let me back out."

"That fucking cat shouldn't be workikng there if she cant do her fucking job properly."


"What's going on over there?"

"Nothing YN, don't worry about it."

"Kinda hard not to worry when I don't know if I'm accidentally overdosing you."

"Human, bitties are naturally low in magic when they are still in the store. It's to keep us from fighting too much or trying to teleport out of our pins. He's probably this low from teleporting and he's been out what? A week? Don't worry. He has a deeper reservoir of magic, so it takes longer." I couldn't stand looking at them as I lied. I had no way of backing up what I was saying.

With a sigh, they leaned forward and twisted a nob. It made the voices in the door grow in volume. Both me and Stretch looked over at them before returning to our discussion about the shop. Instead of trying to speak over the music. We spoke down our brother-bond. It felt like it had been forever since I was able to do this with him. It was the only one-hundred percent sure way that our conversions were not being listened to by outsiders. His voice echoed and bounced around in my head as I waited for him to stop speaking his peace about the store we're leaving from. "There is no need to worry about that place anymore. We're gone. We most likely will not be returning."

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