Rotten Tooth

28 1 1

Trigger warning; 

Drunken violence

Body image issues

The ride home was full of noise. You hummed along to the music as Blue and Stretch chatted with one another. When asked about his magic he would just blow you off and continue talking to Blue, or he gave you a bullshit answer about it. Letting it go felt wrong, but that's all you could do for the time being. "Human, bitties are naturally low in magic when they are still in the store. It's to keep us from fighting too much or trying to teleport out of our pins. He's probably this low from teleporting and he's been out what? A week? Don't worry. He has a deeper reservoir of magic, so it takes longer." It was clear that Blue felt bad for leaving you in the dark but wasn't going to say much else.

Seeing that you were not going to get anywhere with the boys as of this point and released a sigh before turning the volume up slightly to ignore the conversation. They turned and looked at you before returning to their two way conversation.

"Get ready for them to ask to leave. Stretch has his brother, he doesn't need you." The voice in your head was taking the infiltrating tempo and chords of the slowed and reverbed cover of Holy Mary by Ghost played in the background. The sound quickly began to overstimulate you as your grip of the steering wheel was tightening and the speed began picking up. Stretch quickly grabbed the phone and changed the sound as he saw the signs of discomfort showed. The chorus played and the sound was quickly switched to the normal cover. Stretch directed blue to turn the volume down and stood on the arm rest waiting. You hit a red light as the drums decrescendo and the song left the priest only with one guitars.

Muttering the lyrics was met with Blue tapping your arm and pointing to the newly turned green light. Breathing, you replaced Blue in the seat and began driving once more. "Sorry the reverb was messing with me. I normally can handle it."

"The song seems pretty. What's it about?"

"I'm not really sure."

Stretch butted in and asked, "Give your best interpretation."

"Well..." The remainder of the ride was busied with a song being played, only for the boys to pause and ask the story the song was telling or what you thought this lyric meant. They asked about the song "MILF Money" and well, you had to deep dive for the boys to understand what a milf was, and how, that because you now take care of them, does not, in fact, make you a milf. No matter what you tried to tell them, Stretch laughed and called you one. He must of not understood the sexual implication of the word since he continued to use it.

Much later the three of you turned up at the house. Breathing in deep and quickly shoving it out as you turned to Blue seemed to confuse him as he did the same and turned to face you as well. Stretch just let out a long sigh as you began to explain to Blue the same run down of the rules of the house you gave Stretch on the first day of his stay. Blue seemed to be fine with all the rules to the point he stood and exclaimed, "DO NOT WORRY HUMAN. I'LL FOLLOW EACH AND EVERY ONE SO WELL! I'LL EVEN MAKE SURE MY BROTHER FOLLOWS EACH ONE TO THE LETTER."

Nothing much was left to say as you offered your hands to the boys. Blue took you up on the offer, only for Stretch to teleport to your shoulder and wait for the ride to begin. You cupped Blue with both hands as you walked. It was cute to watch as he stood and slightly hopped in your palm as you traveled to the elevator, and waited. He's eye lights were stars as he saw the doors open and looked at himself in the reflection of the buttons... letting him too close to the buttons was a mistake, because he pressed each and every one of them.

Thankfully you lived on the third floor.

Whoever gets on next, you wish them well. It's not a big apartments complex, but there's enough floors for it to be annoying. As you continued your way to the room, Annie stepped out of her room and came barreling down the hallway. "YNNNNN!! MOMMA WANTS ME TO-" and that was all that was spoken before Christian, a teen boy grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and yanked her back, effectively choking her.

Simply Big Boned - Undertale (bitty bone au) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now