Thank God, School's Over

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Trigger warning;

An eating disorder is mentioned                                                                                 Porn (nothing too bad, just breastfeeding and a blowjob. Not aimed at bitties or as actions of the reader)

Life can and does get in the way of plans. We all have had things come up at the last minute, causing plans to shift or drop completely. Getting your presents didn't happen. At least the presents with your name on them.

Monday, you had to work on a history final that left you very little time afterward. That same day, your bio professor told you about a pedigree project that is going to be worth fifteen percent of your grade. The fact it was due by the end of the week did not help your stress levels. English was simple since you just had to write two of your own poems. One tragic and one comedic. The next block was freeF until your officer decided to let you leave. This semester was pretty much over and with the biology EOC Friday, cramming was the main thing on your mind.

Tuesday rolled around and the day just got so much worse. Staying up all night was not the best option, but you had to get a good start on your final project in History. Getting most of the presentation done was not worth the pain of trying to stay awake until the end of school. In Biology, you were given time to work on your final. Instead, you crammed a bit more random human bullshit in your brain. Thanks to the way this professor teaches, it doesn't stick.

He takes time out of his day to create PowerPoints that he doesn't give anyone access to, so if you miss a day or the first fifteen minutes of class, you're fucked. He also goes through the slides way too fast for you to write all the information down. He gives you at least three full assignments that would take just about three, maybe two days to complete daily, and then decides not to grade them. You get your grades from authentic tasks, and instead of rounding the grade up, no matter how high the grade, he rounds them down. If you get an 85.7, your grade gets put in as an 85. You are passing his class deadass by manifesting the entire school year and cheating off your table mate. Speaking of the tables, they are just short enough to make the stools you sit on just high enough to squeeze your legs and make it where you can't reach the ground. The class is just miserable.

The third block isn't any better. The teacher up and quit with two weeks left in the second semester and you all got stuck with a sub. All of your class work is just busy work and if you're caught on your phone before finishing the assignment, you get treated as if you're a kindergartener and put in the hall. Given the fact she is a sub and most of the 'funny bois' don't respect her, the room is almost always filled with hostility. If you complete your assignment, without a doubt the three other kids sitting at your table as for the answers and spread them around.

The two boys in front of you, Safi and Cole, always talk about girls. They ask you to rate the girls one through ten and immediately brush you off if you answer. You've learned to just sit still. Giving the answers is the only thing these boys want you for anyways. Devin, who is in both your History and English class, has yet to learn to ignore them. He's also very kind but doesn't understand that someday you don't want to talk or be messed with. Tuesday they just kept asking for ways for Safi to get with a girl that clearly doesn't want him. If the bits and pieces you picked up from the two talking were enough to understand, Safi had called her terrible things causing her to stop talking to him. Give him a bullshit answer or give him a piece of your mind.... Let's be honest, this is the last week of school until winter break. Who gives a shit.

Signing as you closed your laptop. "Safi, I'm surprised she stayed with you as long as she did. You are a literal embodiment of a piece of shit. You are so rude to women. You treated her like shit and then tried to take it back, but that's not how this works. You called her names and now you think she will let you back in? No. She shouldn't and if she does, that goes to show you have to beat down women to make them hate themselves so you can get your way. You lie about just about everything and yesterday you sat there and told a sob story to Cole just for him to start talking shit about her too. And Cole holy fuck, your girlfriend is amazing, but you're an asshole. A fucking piece of bacteria gets more sex than you, and they reproduce asexually. You go on and on about how much ass you get, but the sub-total of zero plus zero is still zero. You literally called me gay last week because I called a woman a ten who you deemed unattractive. Both of you showed me and Devin porn less than ten minutes afterward. Both of you are disgusting and I truly hope both of you get in some deep shit, no one can help you get out. It would serve you both right."

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