Stand Your Ground

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"Your behavior is worse than your mother's."

The time from the comment being made to making it home was a blur. You don't know how you got home or when you placed yourself back into bed.

The boys had taken to lying against your sides. Stretch to your left, facing the door, and Blue to the right. Blue had his head lying on you and turned to stare up at you. Both were still in their sweaters from the party bullshit. Your grandmother truly didn't know how much this messed with your mind and mood. You wanted nothing more than to just be something that had the blood of that vile woman.

Your body remained motionless as time passed. The light that had once filled the room slowly seeped away, and this was the first time in a while that you allowed yourself to watch the color shift.

The warm, honey yellow flowing into the room from the sun changed into a sickly pink. The sliver the curtains let in was the only way time was proved to be passing.

The pressure from your left side had slowly eased off before returning to add additional weight to your stomach. Something had been placed on your chest before Blue crawled up onto your stomach and sat on his heels. His boney knees sunk into the area below your ribs uncomfortably but you made no move to change his sitting arrangement.

"The phone," Blue stated.

"The phone is ringing," Stretch replied. The reference to Wonder Pets was not lost on you, but the fact the house phone was ringing was. It never had a reason to. You had your cell phone at all times.

It took an embarrassing amount of time and effort to get yourself out of the bed. The pillows sang a soft, siren lullaby, and the bed kept its motherly embrace as you tried to leave. Your body and mind wanted nothing more than to ignore the ringing and return to your place of malice. Your thoughts were a continuous stream of negativity. Each passed fast enough to hear the cynical voice weep into your mind, but none stayed long enough to be thought through.

"You're just like your mother."

"Worse than actually."

"You didn't think about the effects this will have on those kids."

"What if your grandma was just having a bad day?"

"People have off days all the time, she is no exception."

"She doesn't have that much time left, and you did this is her?"

"You ruined those children's day."

"You couldn't stick it out for those kids, wonder how they view you now."

"Such a weak, disgusting, unworthy-"

The boys had not seen you act like this before. They did not know how to react. Was this a normal human thing? "Have they done this around you before?"

"No. At least not this bad..." Stretch's voice was quickly drowned out by the noise of the house phone. His voice sounded as if he was gargling water.

The walk to the phone hooked up in the kitchen pushed the numbness to the sole of your feet with each step. The house phone can only be rung by the landlord or other tenets of the apartments. "It was a surefire way to get people to answer even if they don't want to," explained Mrs. Beoa when you first toured the apartment.

Coming face to face with the ringing made the sense of monachopsis worse. Everything felt wrong and out of place. You stood there staring at the phone as your vision blurred. The edges collapse into the void. Both hands clasped in front of you as you tried to pop your knuckles in the uncomfortableness filling your space, hoping it would disburse the sensation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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