Ball Of Blue Energy? Doesn't Sound Like Him

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The car ride to the bitty center wasn't anything like the journey to your parents place. You had handed Stretch your phone after putting the bitty center label on the receipt into google maps. The automated voice told you to turn left and soon the two of you were on your way. You showed him your app for music and let him look through the playlist to see which one his brother would enjoy listening to the most.

Every song that was sexual was skipped and Stretch blamed it on the the fact his bro has never heard songs like that. If a song was filled with unnecessary cursing it was skipped. "Bro doesn't like hearing cuss words if they do not have a reason to be there." Anything that was sad or even slow was skipped since, "He's hyper and happy. Sad doesn't fit him." He clicked through about what felt like thirty songs before you were even ten minutes into the hour and a half drive.

Your ears were ringing from the constant stop and starting of different songs before you had even reached the forty-five minute mark. Around six songs had been picked. Stretch had been starting to play a song, skimming the lyrics and skipping before or after the chorus. "Thank god he at least let me have the chorus of some of these songs." Every song that you offered was deemed to be listened to next, but almost none of them went completely through the end of the music. Stretch seemed to be so happy, but nothing like himself. "Maybe this is what he would have been like if you had gotten him first?"

Once the hour mark had been hit, you wanted to rip the phone out of his hand. Instead of even giving you the chorus, he began to click the song, pause it and read the lyric. Fergalicious came on and he fucking skipped it before her rapping. That has to be a crime against humanity. That can't work. "Oh hell no, back it up. You did NOT just skip Fergie. Play that one again. We still have thirty minutes. You can stand to listen to one full song." He just looked at you and let the song completely play out.

You sang normally through the beginning portion, but as soon as the rap started, you hit a red light. Now no one who knows fergalicious sings the rap calmly except fergie. You began yelling the rap and throwing your right hand around. Stretch smiled at this. This was Sin, his Sin. The one who stood up for him in front of her grandmother less than two hours ago. The one who had a panic attack over getting a receipt. The one getting him, his brother back. The one who is actively sitting through a green light, yelling words to a popular 2000's song as not a single car but their own sits on any of the corners of this four way traffic light. "Hey, the lights are green."

"Oh shit, sorry."

"do not be. You look like you were enjoying yourself. Do you do that everytime this song is played?"

"Yeah normally. I mean no one can calmly rap Fergie's part without feeling themselves. That's like being sad while a dog licks your face. Can't happen." As you both let the song finish and the journey continue, Stretch let more songs finish to completion. You didn't notice it, but the only one's it seemed he let finish were you once you sang to. Most, if not, all of the ones you sang were dirty, but he put them on the playlist.

"Blue will definitely met the real you first and foremost"

"What was that? I can't hear you over the bass." As you reached for the nob of volume, Stretch pushed your hand away.

"This is the only song I know, Leave the dial alone." "All I want for Christmas is you" was playing. If he's been in a bitty shop for christmas, of course he's going to know these songs. That's all that plays in store for all of december.

"Stretch, I am so sorry you had to endure 31 days of Christmas music for however many years you and your bro were in the shop." You say as Stretch leans back and just listens to the song.

"Not too bad, it reminds me of Blue." The drive had finally come to a close as you and Stretch parked as close to the entrance as possible without taking one of the three handicap spaces.

Simply Big Boned - Undertale (bitty bone au) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now