chapter 1, greetings

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quick author note before you read this, I'm done with the story because i have no idea what i'm gonna add, and i have a better idea for a story (it's another saiki fanfic lmao) so if you want to read this shitty ass story or take any ideas please do so.

       "hello" saiki's thoughts 

                  Y/n pov

New school huh, I just moved into a new school PK academy it seems like a good enough school but it's sad you had to move to a new one. You don't know why either, you open the door to the class room and stand at the front of the class and write your name on the board. " Y/n L/n" is whiten on the board in big letters you turn around to the whole class "Hi I'm y/n" you said kinda quite but loud enough for them to hear you. You see a bunch of people looking at you, and it's awkward. "How about you sit next to Saiki, Saiki raise your hand"the teacher says, a kid with bright pink hair raises his hand half way, you sit in the seat next to him which was empty. You feel someone's eyes on you from behind, you look behind you and see a girl with blue hair, and she LITERALLY GLOWING!? " ok class so let's continue-" your trying to focus but your attention isn't on the teacher it's on your sketch book  your drawing something random and your not paying attention, "how about you answer the question y/n" you look up after hearing your name and stand up. You look at the board for a couple minutes before answering, "the answer is D" you say questioning your ability to answer the question. The teacher says " uh that's right, you can sit down" you sit down slightly surprised that you got it right even though you kinda guessed. You look over at the kid you sit next to, his bright pink hair is super noticeable and the hair clip things made him even more noticeable. You see him look over at you and you look back at your sketch book, "Im so tired" You thought and you go back to sketching. You look at Saiki and back at the paper, you had an idea to draw him. You weren't trying to be weird it was just his look you started to sketch his face shape it was like a diamond, but sadly you couldn't finish before the bell rang. You walk out of class and into your next one, you wanted to skip but it was your first day so you couldn't just skip it. you look at the teacher and she says to sit next to a kid named kaidou and he raises his hand. A skinny kid with sky blue hair and red bandages on his hands raises his hand and you sit next to him. You feel his eyes staring at you and get uncomfortable, "yeesh staring much" you say in your head as you continue to actually pay attention it was a little bit difficult because you usually just don't care but you kinda needed to pay at least a little bit of attention because she was talking about something coming up soon and it was important. You're so bored and the teacher wasn't talking about anything important anymore so you lay your head down on your desk and close your eyes. You then feel a light tap on your shoulder, it's so light you barely feel it, so you ignore it then a second later there's another tap and a quiet voice saying "L/n!" You actually look up this time and see the kid kaidou looking at you "huh?" You say In a tired voice, "can I have a pen please?" You look at your bag and grab a pen and hand him it he starts to blush and says thank you. You put your head back down and start to fall asleep then the bell rings and you get up and go to the bathroom, half tempting to skip but then you remember it's only your first day, I should probably attend then. You start to walk to the next class when you're interrupted by a pink haired kid "wait isn't that the kid from this morning?" "Uhm hi?" You say confused as to why he was coming up to you "the teacher wanted me to give you some papers you forgot to grab"  you stare at him confused as to how his mouth didn't move, but you nod and grab the papers and put them in your bag, he was still there. "Wait why is my x ray vision not working on them? I need to find out what's going on..." You see him with a puzzled look on his face then you see him instantly change it back to a stone cold one. "That was weird" I guess it's on to the next class then. You walk to your 3rd class of the day and a pink haired kid is in that class he puts his head on his hand and seems so annoyed. "I guess I shouldn't care not like I know the guy" the teacher says to sit wherever I'd like " huh that's knew" you thought as you sat in the back where Saiki was and you decided to sit next to the Saiki kid again since he was quite and wasent gonna bother you. You decided to listen to music instead of the teacher. Your favorite song starts to play and you sing along in your head and you see Saiki look at you "why do people keep looking at me to do I have something on my face?" You pause the song and he looks away.  you look at your face sketch of Saiki and you decide to continue drawing him and you play your music again. The song is blasting in your ears

You're vibing out in your head and your drawing of Saiki is almost done, it looks a lot like him and you start to blush a little. He looks over and sees the drawing.

                 Saiki pov

"Why is this girl drawing me.. it's creepy"  I looked over at her note book and see the drawing"yeah it's me.. seriously creepy.. well it's not awful at least." then y/n looked at me I kept my stone cold face like normal finally the bell rings. "Finally" i said under my breath y/n looked at me and kept walking thankfully.

  ~ time skip to end of day ~
                  Y/n pov

Finally it's the end of your first day and you get to go pick up your brother from day care. Your walking to the day care and see that Saiki kid, "agian?" You thought as you continue to walk but notice the kid kaidou from your 2nd class. He's with Saiki and some gorilla looking dude, then kaidou walks up to you, " h-hey L/n" you look at him " oh hey kaidou" I say and begin to continue to walk to the day care. "Do you know the schemes of the DARK REUNION!!??" I turn to him "dark reunion? The fuck?" I thought but instead I say "hmm sounds familiar" just to see what he says "really?!" He says with wide eyes. I look at him seeing how shocked he was from that answer "yeah tell me about them" he instantly runs up to me and starts talking about the dark reunion. Im listening until someone says " hey wanna get some ramen with me and my buddy's?!" I look at him about to answer "that's nendou" kaidou says "thanks" I say to him and I look at nendo "I'm sorry but I can't I have to watch my little brother today" I say. Nendou looks at me with a slight frown I walk towards the daycare my brother was in and open the door. kaidou and nendou already were walking home but that Saiki kid was just standing there MENACINGLY. I open my arms wide and my little brother jumps into my arms and I hold him and start to walk home with him. It was my job to basically take care of him anyways, I wave by to the day care worker and Saiki is walking behind me now. My little brother points at him " who?" I look behind me and see Saiki. I was still holding my brother but I was confused. I start to slowly speed up not sure of his intentions.

   ~ time skip to your house ~

Finally your home you dropped your brother carefully on the ground and he took off his shoes. You tell him to just sit on the couch while you get dinner ready you walk up stairs and knock on your mom's door "WHAT??" you hear her scream "I'm home and I'm making dinner what would you like?" You say through the closed door. "Just whatever is easy for you and your brother I already ate we have leftovers if you don't want to cook"  "ok" you respond and walk back downstairs.

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