Chapter XI - Departure

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The next day I had a glimpse through the daily newspaper just to realise Alexandrine wasn't making up complete nonsense and there was in fact an arsonist on the loose too. Apparently this 'arsonist' was inspired by the murder in Gullane Park 3-4 weeks ago and wanted to follow along my procedure.

But i had no procedure on how i do my usual 'business' and it left me in a blank state that made me zone out for a bit. I was then awoken by a call but from an unknown number in which i picked up. I felt then like i was in a horror movie but from the phone voiced a man, much older than me, about 20 ish telling me to meet at gullane park. I immediately hung up after and decided i didn't go to reduce my chance of getting found by the police or getting killed by the arsonist.

Who knows. Peru was stuck in confusion after many 'fire' incidents and were still looking out for who done it. This time though, they were gathering more information. I had to leave the country fast. Besides, Alexandrine booked a trip to visit the UK with his parents and invited me over to come along, I gladly accepted his request and by midnight i was packing my important needs in a suitcase, along with some food and drink with me but keeping my identity a secret. Masking up was the key thing for me, and by then i rushed down the stairs with my bags, seeing that Alexandrine's car was right outside.

Before i left though i wrote a little note at the front of the door so my dad can see and quietly closed the door behind me. 'You're on time. Our flight departs at 2:30am so theres no need to worry.' Alexandrine looked excited since he was returning back to his home country after years and bringing me along. We were driving off to Jorge Chavez International Airport and it was one of the most extravagant things I've ever seen. I had never been to an airport before and seeing what it looked like was just the beginning.

Me and Alexandrine looked all around the airport in wonder at the sight of it whilst his parents were watching us, keeping us under supervision so we don't bump into anything. Alexandrine's parents were amazing although some people thought having 2 mums was weird, I even wished my mum acted the way Alexandrine's mum's were. I still remember her giving me red marks on my face from the force of the belt she used to whip me with just for my addiction. It was surprisingly still there, and visible, but I got it covered later.

At around 2:25 we hopped onto the plane and I was next to the window, watching other planes departure before ours. I was glad but also upset that I would be leaving the country so soon. I wasn't even a teenager yet and it felt weird seeing the rest of my country for the first and last time. It wasn't long before I could feel the plane wheels at the bottom drift off and die as we soon got lifted up into the air. I held onto Alexandrine since it made me feel a bit nauseous, but after a couple minutes I was okay again.

I had to pop my ears multiple times to try and hear what alexandrine was saying at some times, it was extremely difficult to hear when you are tens of thousands of feet into the air. We were going to an airport near London, UK's capital city. First I was excited until Alexandrine said that there are a lot of knife welders in London and I needed to be careful. I took his word but it didn't worry me for the time being since I technically killed people before.

The note at the door I left my dad followed the words of:

Hello Dad,
I hope you don't mind me saying this but I've gone on a trip to the United Kingdom with Alexandrine and his Parents and I will not be returning here. Thank you for your treatment and protection towards me and keeping me safe for as long as possible. I promise to hopefully keep in touch on WhatsApp. Goodbye.

It got me slightly upset knowing that I won't see my father ever again..

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