Chapter XII - Arrival

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Every few minutes I looked out the window seeing tiny islands and the clear blue sea. I couldn't see Peru anymore and I had no idea where we were, even Alexandrine was unsure.

On some occasions we would look out just to be blinded by the clouds and the sun above, beaming at our faces. Alexandrine felt calm about the flight exclaiming that he's been on flights before. 'Don't be scared, the plane isn't going to crash numpty.' And by then he just laughed it off. I had thoughts pumping through my blood that the plane would crash or get hijacked. I followed along Alexandrine's word but kept hold of him just in case. It was like nickel stuck to a magnet, I didn't want to let go.

At the same time holding onto Alexandrine felt safe to me since he had experienced this kind of thing before, he also seemed to know what he was doing. He also told me that food and drink came round and we could buy some. I had barely any money since I didn't earn any, only on birthdays and Christmas's. I'm not sure where the money even left. At home? Luckily alexandrine had some spare change and handed me some. The lady selling the food came round to our seat on the airplane but the reaction she had when seeing me was confusing.

'You're the son of Verdian, right?' Verdian was my dad's name. She seemed intrigued so I nodded. 'It's a pleasure to meet you, i've heard loads about you and your father, you don't need to pay for anything, you can have anything you want here.' This was awesome. Alexandrine was in absolute shock and turned around to me, 'is your dad famous?' In which I shrugged. 'His father is a veteran who did loads of community service with you young man.' The lady Carried on. My father never told me this and he didn't know that his son was also a famous (in a bad way) anarchist and murderer!

Me and Alexandrine struggled to choose but in the end chose a meal deal which was about £10, I had no idea what Pounds were. 'What are these symbols?' I asked alexandrine. 'Oh those are our currency, pounds. Nothing too confusing.' 'Pounds? Your country really named those pounds?' I exclaimed. 'Well it's less confusing than Sols, it sounds like souls instead. Soul currency of Peru. I'm not sure how my parents got rich off sols.' Me and alexandrine sounded like we were little children, arguing in a playground. Of course we were still 'kids' but nearly in teenage hood around 11-12. A couple minutes later we stopped arguing about our currency's and waited for a bit.

I kept looking out the window and I realised that we just passed Morocco and shortly Tenerife, Malta and Tunisia. I had no idea where Britain was but to Alexandrine we were pretty nearby. As always I had no idea what to expect if we are going to a better or worse country but apparently it was much safer than Peru (because there are less fires I assume) and the life quality was better at some parts. I'm not sure about London though. Besides Buckingham palace and the Big Ben looked promising so I went along that it's a good place.

About an hour later we had landed and I heard the scraping of the tires on the ground.
We had arrived. And later on we had a little drive into the city and there we were seeing the sign.

Welcome to London.

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