𝟎𝟓 - 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬

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Idea from @lunareclispe_wenny:

- Shinsou texting Y/n at 4am that he can't sleep


Your phone dinged, waking you from your slumber. Sleep still in your eyes, you reached for it so you could check the time.

3.58 a.m. As soon as you saw the time, you had a hunch of who the texter could be. Rolling yourself to your stomach, you opened the message.

Sure enough, it was your boyfriend telling you he couldn't sleep.

Without missing a beat, you started a video call. He answered almost instantly.

"Hey," you said, your voice hoarse from not having used it. "Cannot sleep?"

Regret shone in Shinsou's eyes as he gave you a nod. "There are some thoughts keeping me awake. Sorry I woke you up."

You pushed yourself upward into a sitting position, the oversized shirt hanging loosely from your frame as you positioned the phone better. "I've told you before, Hitoshi. You can wake me if you need to."

Your brows furrowed as you looked at him. Shadows clung to his frame and his eyes held little light as they had dimmed these past few weeks. He wouldn't admit it but you knew schoolwork was burying his soul alive.

"You want me to come over to your room?" you offered after a moment of silence. "I can—"

"No, Y/n, don't get into trouble because of me. Please."

"I wouldn't get caught—"

"Still." His gaze softened and you saw him stifle a yawn. "Just stay on call with me, please."

You nodded, curling up under your blankets again, your wings cocooning all of your body except for your face as your eyes were still fixated on Shinsou. He'd copied your actions, curling up under his blankets as he tried to sleep again.

You knew his mind was awake from the way he'd stare at the ceiling for minutes on end. After about half an hour of being awake and on call with him, you sighed. "Open your window, I'm sending a feather."

"What? No—"

"Do it, Hitoshi," you said, standing up so you could let a feather out into the stillness of the night. "It's either the feather or me."

With a sigh, he heaved himself up and disappeared out of the frame for a second. You heard the sound of his window opening and a moment later, your feather entered his room and you felt the warmth of the inside air wrap around it.

"There," you said, going back to your bed as Shinsou did the same. "Now I'm with you."

Your boyfriend smiled at you tiredly. "What'd I do to deserve you?"

You only smiled as he yawned and closed his eyes, his face more relaxed this time as your feather lay beside his head on the pillow.

Shinsou's breaths steadied only a minute or so later and soon after that you, too, felt the embrace of oblivion.

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