𝟎𝟔 - 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Idea from @lunareclispe_wenny:

- Bakugou and Y/n sneaking out at night and it starts raining or something


You slipped outside and slid the door halfway closed behind you so you could get back into your room later. You made yourself invisible as you transformed into your dragon form and elevated yourself into the night air, flying swiftly out of the school bounds where you were supposed to meet Bakugou.

You spotted him just outside of the gates and the view of the cameras. You transformed as you started landing, your wings remaining invisible as you did so.

"How'd you get out?" you inquired, jabbing your friend with an elbow.

He smirked with a scoff. "I have my ways."

You chuckled. "Fine, don't tell me." You looked around. "Where to?"

"The beach. We can peacefully spar there."

"Got'cha," you nodded. Then a mischievous glint ignited in your eyes and your lips tugged up into a roguish grin. "Race you there?"

"You're on, wings." He blasted off.

Shaking your head, you flew after him. The wind pelted at your eyes and face, your hair flying back and your ears slightly ringing due to the speed. You didn't mind, though. The feeling was rather freeing and you caught up to Bakugou and flew beside him for a bit.

He growled as he realized you were about to win and blasted ahead of you, landing with a thud on the sand.

You let him have the little victory, landing a bit more gracefully than he did as he started dusting himself off.

You smirked at him as he finished. "Bring it on, boom boom boy."

The two of you sparred for about an hour or so until the dawn started to claw at the far horizon and the wind picked up, the waves thrashing more violently than before.

Tired from the training, you leaned your hands against your knees as you panted. Bakugou did the same even though he didn't really want to show it.

Thunder cracked in the distance. You raised up, looking off to where darker clouds were gathering.

"We should probably head back," you mused.

Bakugou nodded and the two of you started walking, neither of you wanting to fly too much.

Thunder cracked again, loser this time. Little sprinkles of rain dotted the air, gently pattering at your hair and cheeks. Not a minute later, more clouds gathered and soon the rain was getting thicker and thicker with no sign of stopping.

With a giggle, you bolted up the hill, Bakugou hot on your heels as he tried to reach the campus gate before you.

Grabbing at your wings, he slipped, throwing you into a fit of laughter. The joy bubbling in your chest was so pure you could barely feel the drenched clothes sticking to your skin.

A light flickered on in your class' dorm, the one of the room in which you knew your homeroom teacher resided. He also had access to the cameras.

"See you at breakfast?" you asked Bakugou, readying yourself to transform so you could get back to your room unspotted.

"Sure, whatever."

With a flap of your wings, you rose into the air, your bones and muscles stretching into a new form. Your dragon wings carried you back to your room where you slipped the door shut behind you before clicking on the light.


You whirled around, only to see Shinsou sitting on your bed.

"Hi," you chuckled, smiling sheepishly. "What brings you here?"

Your boyfriend sighed, shaking his head as he stood up to hug you despite your body being cold as ice from the rain. "Don't get yourself sick," he mused, handing you a towel.

You nodded gratefully and disappeared into the bathroom to get yourself ready for the day.

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