𝟎𝟗 - 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝

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Idea from @not_sam1541:

- Class 1A stuck in an amusement park


The sun had set about half an hour ago by the time you and your class trudged through an abandoned amusement park, trying to accomplish a mission that was assigned for the bunch you.

"I think we should bail, guys. It's scary!"

You rolled your eyes at Mineta's exclamation. "We'll be fine," you drawled, stretching your wings with a yawn. "There's nobody around, anyway."

Something creaked, the sound echoing through the space and rocketing off the walls. All of you froze in place.

"What was that?" Kaminari asked, doing his best to keep his voice from quivering even though his best wasn't quite as good as he'd hoped it would be.

You carefully extracted a few feathers from your wings, sending them to scout the underground park. There was only concrete and metal as far as you could feel but you kept going, knowing you had just a bit before the exits.

Everyone waited in thick silence, only breathing heard in the air as you kept scouting for information.


Your fingers twitched, your head snapping to look towards the direction of the feather that'd got something.

Bakugou, who was holding one of the flashlights, followed your movement and shone light that way.

Another creak, this time longer and more ominous.

You gasped. "Someone's closing the gates!"

Without another word needing to be said, all of you bolted towards the gates as fast as you could but you were too late and the iron monstrosities were already locked.

"Get out of the way, I'll blow 'em up," Bakugou declared.

"No, wait," you stopped him, trying to sneak a feather into the lock. It didn't work. You sighed, stepping back. "Alright, Bakugou. Go ahead."

A deafening explosion sounded, the sound making your ears ring.

The smoke cleared and there they were. The gates. They looked as good as new.

"Ahh," Todoroki sighed. "Quirk-proof steel. I'm doubting this was initially an amusement park."

You shrugged, fishing out your phone from your pocket. "I'm calling Keigo."

"And I'll call Mr. Aizawa," Midoriya added, already dialing away.

You sighed as the phone rang, waiting to be picked up.

Through the metal bars of your prison the silver moon seemed to laugh at you, amused by the situation. You heaved yet another sigh as your brother didn't pick up and turned back to your class, out of ideas.

Midoriya shook his head at you, also not being able to get in contact with anybody.

Kaminari mustered a smile. "We can still have fun... It was an amusement park, right?"

You smiled but it didn't quite reach your eyes as you felt a fist of dread closing around your heart. This was going to be a long night...

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