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Idea from @not_sam1541:

- Class 1A going into the normal universe and losing their quirks


You were laying on a sofa, your head nestled into Shinso's shoulder as the weekend bored you out of your mind. You weren't even the only one, for the whole class was scattered across the couches, quiet chatter filling the room. Even your twin was lounging on an armchair not too far off, playing with some portals to amuse herself.

"Fall, I don't think it's a great idea to play with those," you called, seeing as the portals got bigger each time she closed one and created another.

"Meh," Fall shrugged, looking at you. "What bad could happen?"

She jinxed it. The moment she looked away the portal came to life and largened, working as a sort of black hole as it started sucking everybody into it.

Fall was the first to go, as she was the nearest, and the currents of wind only strengthened, the panicked sounds of your classmates filling the air as they disappeared into the portal one by one.

Shinso wrapped an arm around you to keep you from flying, the other gripping the side of the couch that was left untouched by the quirk's power. He was saying something but you couldn't hear, mesmerized by the amount of power the portal depicted.

Before you could blink, you felt Shinso's hold on you slip away and everything was whisked into a colorful blur, your stomach knotting and your head spinning at the inter-dimensional travel.

You rained down to the floor, landing on the pile of your classmates a brief second before Shinso, Kirishima and Mina came toppling out of the portal. The portal closed with a snap above you and as all of you pulled yourself up from the pile, groaning at the pain of the falling, you started to notice that something was really off.

At first, you realized your shoulders felt somehow light. Then you caught a glimpse of your twin and nearly choked. She didn't have wings anymore! After craning your neck, you realized that the same was true with you.

Gasps resonated among the class as everyone realized that a crucial part of their lives were missing. It was the most visible with those who had physical quirks — Shoji had only two arms, Mina's skin was no longer pink, Mineta's hair was simply laying on the top of his head instead of looking like a bunch of grapes, Ojiro had lost his tail, Iida was missing his engines and... Your eyes stopped on an unfamiliar girl.

She looked down at herself before yelping. You recognized the voice. It was Hagakure!

A growl sounded from Bakugou. In the matter of a few seconds, it was made obvious that his explosive quirk disappearing didn't take away his even more explosive personality.

"What did you do to us, you freak!?" he exclaimed but didn't move to attack because now that you and Fall had lost your wings, you looked identical and he didn't know which one to attack.

Fall looked around and when she spoke, you could hear the tremor in her voice that she was working so hard to keep under control. "I think my quirk accidentally took us to a world with no quirks."

Everyone halted.

"No quirks?" Uraraka asked, her voice so little that it could almost not be heard.

A lump rose in your throat as you looked at your twin. "But if you don't have yours..."

"... How will we get back?" Shisno finished for you, taking your hand to comfort both you and himself.

Fall sighed, looking out of the dead-end street that you were standing at. Nobody seemed to have noticed the commotion. Yet.

Fall sighed, leaning against the brick wall. "I don't know."

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