13. Begin Again

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It's currently 2am
Your words echo in my head
"Chill and go with the flow"
But you're friction

Tried to go with the flow
Made sure never to bring up this love again
But deep down inside
It still hurts knowing you were never mine

Few more days to be together
Still hoping we would last forever
Even my dreams play with me
Telling me we are still meant to be

Saw you running towards me
Screaming "Please keep loving me"
"Too good to be true"
I said as I opened my eyes

That sleepless night of november
Full of epiphanies and wonder
When will I be able to move on?
It's been 96 days of heaven

It hurts when you say those words
"You don't care about my existence."
After giving you the best I had
Tell me what to give after that

Loved you in the moment
Made more of them
Hoping they would last forever
Knowing they won't

Collecting them in my memory
Going to hold on to them
Cherish them forever
While making new ones

10 years from now
Somewhere in this cruel world
On a Wednesday, In a Cafe
Maybe we can begin again

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